Saturday, June 04, 2005

Merchandising Addiction or Business?

Here I sit on the last day of my 37th year waiting to be entertained.
I'm thinking of what crazy plans my friends have come up with to bring on my 38th year when it occurs to me....
I am planning on buying something tomorrow as a gift to myself.
Along with all my other treasures, I'm seeking to establish yet another collection.
Now I know we all have our own treasures out there, whether it be comics or busts or stamps or coins...But do we need this?
I have an addiction and I admit it.
Should I stand up and say my name first... I'm not sure how this works.
I know I have to make a list of all the things in my life that hurt me and throw these things away, but like hell if I'm going to get rid of my babies.
My comics and my action figures, my statues and my busts and my pewter and my watches and my dress shirts and ties and my suits and shoes and my DVD's and CD's and PS2 and games my camera and my lamps, my plates, my cups, my saucers, my silverware and my gold.......What more can I buy myself for another year of my life.
Is it that we need to pamper ourselves.
Is it that I didn't get that toy as a kid and dam if I'm gonna miss out this time around.
What drives us to clutter our lives with "valuables" to the point that we need extra storage space each month.
Can it be that we are looking to fulfill some need or maybe it's to make a profit.
I like to sell my stuff as well and I like to find things that are rare or hard to find and sell it to all the needful people who, like me, must have that last piece to complete said collection.
And why not... Don't we deserve it?
Well I don't know but I already bought myself this awesome sapphire crystal watch from Skagen and tomorrow I will find a few more treats to help fill out that tiny crevice; empty waiting to be filled.


Blogger Naked Boy said...

happy birthday

4:17 PM


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