Sunday, September 24, 2006

Battlestar Galactica the Webisodes

Just a quick note to let you know that on Sci Fi channel's website they have webisodes that pertain to the show's plot lines.
They are really cool and they last about 5 minutes so you're really not taking to much time.
Why don't you click on the link and go watch them.


One of the characters dies in the first episode.
Can you figure out which one?

Monday, September 11, 2006

9/11 in the comic world. The real Heroes

Just a quick note to all the Firefighters and Police Officers who bravely fought to help everyone at the World Trade Center.
You won't be forgotten!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Matthew makes it Marvelous.

Fried Frays of freaked out fury. Fat Momma And Feedback have finished their final forray.
And the winner of Who Wants To Be A Superhero is.....
Like if you didn't know Feedback was gonna win.
Fat Momma couldn't even do any of the film stuff. And correct me if I'm wrong but they are gonna have a movie based of the winner, so if you can't even do any of the acting stuff then HELLO!
Feedback was so thrilled. You could just see he was in total Heaven last night. I am very happy he won but my top choice Major Victory lost out cause Stan the Man thought he was to goofy; almost a parody of a hero.
All in all I really liked this show. And I will so be there if they do another one.
Maybe even be in it..... hummm?