Monday, June 06, 2005

Making of a Classic Sci-Fi Show

Today we will discuss what I feel is the best sci-fi out there on cable.
Battlestar Galactica in my humble opinion is so far superior then anything else on the tube.
Let me tell you why....
First off you have your visuals.
They are breath-taking. Such cool camera angles as well.
The way the scene shifts back and forth is mind-boggling.
I remember thinking this is so fantastic I want more.
So more is what I got.
Every Friday night at 10 to 11 pm on the Sci-Fi channel the adventure continues.
And yes for all those purists out there who are pissed cause Starbuck and Boomer are women instead of men, get over it. I did...
Yes I was one of you.
I loved the original and was very disturbed by the fact they wanted to change it.
Why couldn't I have my old Battlestar with the cool Cylons attacking the last best hope for human-kind.
Well that was before I broke down and watched a show.
Guess what I thought of it.
Well your wrong... I thought it sucked.
I thought it was a piece of dung and that was that.
I went my merry way thinking yeah baby that's right.
The original still kicks it high style.
la la la skipping along....
Wasn't until sometime later a real good friend of mine actually forced me to watch.
That's when I watched with my eyes open this time.
My mind open to new things, new concepts and the such.
And what I saw was a superbly written show.
Very smart and very entertaining, just like the original.
Well now I have another friend of mine totally into it.
I tape it and he can't wait till I give him the show.
Says its one of the best things he has ever had the opportunity to see.
And yes he thanks me for opening his eyes.
I hope I have opened yours as well...


Blogger sci-fi and super-heroes said...

maryann you said so much. i was just re-watching the last episodes on tape and i can't say enough about how great thisseries is. my friend dean agrees and we cant wait to see if adama is ok or if tigh's wife is a cylon or wouldn't it be freakish if adama is a cylon.
well keep watching and i'll be writing more about this great series in days to come

7:57 AM


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