Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Master Jedi or Sith Lord

Decisions Decisions......
What would you do if faced with prancing along with the Jedi Order or commanding unspeakable power.
What would you do.
The Dark Side really isn't that much different than the "Light" Side so.......
It all depends who you think is the cooler person to hang with.
Although the Emperor is wicked cool, no one , I mean .... No one beats Yoda.
Much more cool ..He is.
OK enough of Yoda talk.
Anyway only Mr. Oz can really do Yoda.
Did anyone else think Mace Windu should have just wacked Palpatine instead of talking to Anakin.
Anyway the dear sweet chancellor was far from helpless.
That little crying fit he had begging Anakin for help...Please give it a rest.
But i digress ...
So I guess when it comes down to it, I would be a jedi if only to hang with my homie Yoda.
The Force is strong in this one, yes


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