Sunday, July 10, 2005

Not So Fantastic Four

I'll tell you what messed up this movie and I'll tell you why I think part 2 will rock.
The whole movie was nothing but build-up.
How long must we sit to get that Victor Von Doom likes Susan Storm.
How many hours must we wait through to get the fact that Reed Richards didn't take control of his relationship with Sue.
There were times when I was actually analyzing what should happen and how they should work this scene and that role.
It was terrible, I couldn't enjoy the movie.
The best part of the movie was most definitely Johnny Storm as the Human Torch.
Chris Evans plays the part perfectly and with so much gusto that he "out shines" (no pun intended) the Thing.
And speaking of the Thing, he's the real "Rock" with the costume looking very nice.
You couldn't see any seams or anything.
And Michael did a great job as Ben Grimm.
Ioan and Jessica were cute as the couple to be, but for the love of God, just do something already.
As the main villain, Doom was satisfying but nothing out of this world.
There were lots of little tidbits in there for the fanboys to show off with, but nothing that bragable.
All in all this movie was the build-up while the next will be them fighting and learning how to use and abuse their new powers.
That's why the next movie will rock.
No more build-up or love triangle just simple fighting and saving of certain worlds.
With all the "Fantastic" movies out there like Star Wars or Batman or War of the Worlds this one was just average.


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