Monday, July 04, 2005

Toys R NOT Us or Right on Target

My story starts at Toys R Us where a friend wanted to return some items he bought there recently. (by the way you have 3 months to return with receipt)
We went into the store and my mouth dropped to the floor.
I was totally shocked when we walked up to the returns counter to find it empty.
Yeah you heard me right, empty.
How many times will that happen in your life. (they are so slow and stupid but don't get me started)
Well since I was at Toys R Us... Might as well spend a few bucks. (last night at the casino I saved a few dollars just in case)
So I search around looking for the new ROTS cards from Topps, real nice cards.
What I find instead is an unopened box of AOTC card game, you know the blue packs of game cards.
Not what I wanted but what the hell I might be able to sell them online.
I check the price and it rings up .01 on those remote price checker machines.
WOW I think, that's got to be a mistake but lets go find out.
When the girl rings up the item she tells me that she can't sell it because its only a penny.
I laugh it off and say "yeah I thought that was wrong, what's the real price."
she then says " sorry we can't sell it if it rings up like that, we have to send it back."
Now mind you, this is a unopened box of cards that I've seen all over the place online and such so I'm asking myself ... "Is she kidding me".
So I ask for the manager and she calls her on the phone.
Over the phone she tells the cashier "no don't sell it"
When she tells me this I say " let me talk to the manager"
When she comes out she's all fired up and comes at me actually yelling "no we can't sell this, I told my cashier we can't"
Well after I calm her down, I tell her that it must be a mistake cause I've seen these cards and that its ok to sell them.
She then goes on to say that the ink is probably dangerous or some such thing and that she called her main office and they said no.
Well I was furious only because how stupid can a company like Toys R Us be to let the customer go with some ridiculous story of poisonous ink.
Well minutes later me and my friend are at Target once again looking for the ROTS cards when what do you think I come across... The Attack of the Clones Game Cards.
I was tempted to buy a pack and bring it to her and say " look stupid here are your poisonous cards...BOO!!!"
But to make a long story short...(too late)
Toys R NOT Us and next time I know to be right on Target!
By the way HAPPY FORTH OF JULY!!!!!


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