Friday, June 24, 2005

Rounding Off to the Nearest 100th

The new trend today is to take the numbers of the comics and make them #1's again.
You see it everywhere.
Companys want their product to seem brand new so they pop brand new numbers on them.
Well this was great for the new comers who were just deciding to join, but for the old timers this really was terrible.
Why you ask, because say you were collecting since #100 and you had issue 456 for instance.
Now Marvel decides to make #456 into issue #1.
Well all your issues from 100 to 456 are now null and void and seem like they are out dated.
Cause who wants a # 457 when they can have the elusive #2.
So what do the old timers do now?
Do they start all over again?
Also you have problem of making all these issues seem like they are useless.
It was just a bad idea, and now they are stuck trying to fix it.
How you ask...
Well simply by putting both numbers on the cover.
The whole thing is ridiculous and should be put down in the history books as the worst idea in comics. Period.
OK I've said my piece now it's your turn.


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