Thursday, June 16, 2005

Alex Ross Has Some Justice For Us

Everyone should know by now that I consider myself an "Artist Fan".
There will be many artists I would like to talk about in my future blogs, but for now there is one who's work has "Upped the Ante" and has brought mainstream America to the comic stores.
His work has been shown on T.V. Guide covers and on the poster for "the Oscars".
He has a magical touch that screams for attention, and attention to detail is what his magic is all about.
For anyone who has seen his work in "Marvels" or "Kingdom Come" or the whole X trilogy of Earth X, Universe X and Paradise X just to name a few, knows that when Alex Ross announces his intentions to produce another piece of art...People Take Notice!!!!
I first saw Alex's work in the Kingdom Come graphic novels.
His sense of style and painted work just simply took my breath away.
Was I seeing the real life Clark Kent and not some imaginary character.
Was Bruce Wayne a real person forever immortalized on canvas by this man; who seemed to know all my fav heroes personally and wasn't afraid to show the world.
Well I wanted to call him and ask for Princess Diana's phone number to ask her out on a date.
In my mind he knew them all and somehow convinced them to let him paint them and show the world who they really were.
But lo and behold, it was just the talented hands of a genius who created such life like images that made us normal folk believe.
So now Alex will come out with a new 12 issue bimonthly entitled "Justice" and debuting August 17th at a comic shop near you.
AND can you believe that he will pit the Justice League against the Legion of "freaking" Doom!!!
What have we done to deserve this that he has decided to treat us to this totally mind blowing project?
Well I ain't asking no questions.
I'm just gonna go down buy me a copy and enjoy it to my hearts content.
I hope to see you there too.
Save me a copy just in case mine gets lost in the shuffle...


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