Friday, June 10, 2005

Spiderman 2 vs. X-men 2

Now as I've stated in my previous blogs, Spidey is my and always will be my fav character.
So lets put that aside for a moment and discuss the 2 sequels that came out.
On one hand you have a particularly flawless rendition of Peter Parker and his continuing struggle to fit Spider-Man into his everyday life.
The scenes I love most are the ones where he's being pushed in all directions and doesn't know where to turn to or even how to get there.
JJJ is terrific as the boss from hell; shooting off one liners like a pro.
The rest of the cast fit there molds perfectly with James Franco really standing out as the future bad guy.
And now that I mention it, I love the hints at the Lizard and Man-Wolf... Very cool.
But lets talk about the main baddie... "Doc ock" Dr. Otto Octavious.
Alfred did the man justice like no tomorrow.
Such a beautiful portrayal of innocence gone astray.
How perfect was the fight scene at the diner with the car flying thru the window or the scene with Franco where they discuss there trade off over a glass of whiskey.
But no scene was more awe-inspiring then that amazing, spectacular and utterly jaw-dropping train scene.
I actually had tears in my eyes when the passengers assured Peter that his secret was safe.
But lets go from Mr. Parker's world to the Professor's school for gifted students.
Here you have the making of a perfect movie.
I swear every single character had their moment to shine.
Not an easy task when your dealing with a ton of characters like you had in X-men 2.
From the beginning with Nightcrawler popping in and out to Wolverine going berserk, this movie truly had you on the edge of your seat from start to death defying end.
Such care was taken that it over-shadowed the original by miles.
Not an easy task again considering the first was as close to perfection as possible.
It pains me to think that Bryan Singer won't be full-filling his trilogy by re-visiting the mutant world and reviving Jean as only Bryan can.
And didn't you get chills when Colossus turns to steel and offers his support to Wolverine.
Well each movie had their own moments of glory and sparkling surprises, so to pick one as my favorite is nearly impossible.
Having said that, the one movie I have replayed more than the other is Spider-Man 2.
So with that in mind, I'll stick with my boy Peter and I hope that Sam Raimi doesn't follow Bryan's footsteps.
Now that would be the real shocker, wouldn't it?


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