Thursday, June 09, 2005

Superman, the king of them all?

Its safe to say that my favorite hero is Spider-Man.
He's such a unique character with an array of unbelievable villains that tops even Batman.
But when it comes to all out legendary heroes no one can top Kal-el.
With a movie in the works (looks like garbage but I will hold my opinion for later) a story line from Jim lee just finished in his DC staple and a television series from when he was a wee bit of a lad in Smallville, Supes will always be the man.
Lets talk about one of the freshest shows on t.v. first.
Tom Welling is fan-freaking-tastic as Clark Kent and that show truly is just plain and simply one of the best shows on t.v.
It always entertains and has plenty of surprises.
You never know who will pop in and how their character will be tweaked to format the show.
This doesn't bother me only because it's done with style.
And the Big Blue deserves to be shown in style.
His comics are still entertaining enough, although I must admit I won't be collecting them now that Jim lee is gone.
It's not that I'm an "artist" fan, cause I do like my stories, it's just that with the price of comics the way they are... I am too broke to buy all the titles I want.
Now for those who are asking yourselves what's an "artist" fan... You will have to wait till we talk about that in a future blog.
I want to state that Supes, for all his glory and power, really never had what Spider-Man had or Batman for that matter...A great line-up of villains.
Although Lex Luthor is one of the best villains in any company, one villain does not make a super man.
It always disturbed me that Batman had the kick-ass villains and Superman had Mr. mxpkytxwhatever.
They have tried with characters like Bizarro and Doomsday, but more often then not we're stuck with guys like Parasite or General Zod.
Sorry Jim.
Anyway I can't end this without saying something about the amazing and ever-so-talented Christopher Reeve.
His portrayal of Kal-el will always be un-touchable.
You truly believed he was Clark Kent and he will always be remembered as a gentleman and fighter...Exactly what Superman stands for.
You will be missed but not forgotten.
Along with George Reeves, they were the Supermen of the 20th century.
I wonder if Dean Kain, Tom Welling and Brandon Routh know whose shadows they follow?


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