Thursday, June 23, 2005

Red Rover Red Rover Send Wolverine On Over

Is it just me or has the House of Ideas ran out of characters.
Everywhere I turn these days there's Wolverine in all his gruffy best.
With leads in Astonishing X-Men and the New Avengers he's really making the rounds.
And what was that little scratch he gave my boy Spidey in the latest issue of Spider-Man.
Hello is Captain America Scared of Logan or something.
Everyone is just standing there while Peter is bleeding to death.
It isn't until he passes out that anyone even bothers to scold Logan.
Am I just jealous because he's stealing some spot-light time from Spidey, maybe.
But I have to admit I loved how they made him this little troll against the giant Peter Parker.
Very Funny and Cute!!!!
Well Logan better get with the game if he's gonna be helping out all these different teams.
Scott and Emma thought they had there hands full, well now Steve and Tony are next.
Will Logan be able to calm himself down long enough to work with both teams....
Only if Hell is selling Sno-Kones now.


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