Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Regrets, I've Had a Few

How many times did you see something in a store and really want it, but for some unknown reason you decided not to buy it?
Then when you decided ok I will get it; it was gone.
Bought by someone else with that same desire.
I still remember wanting a Spider-Man watch as a kid. It wasn't a fancy watch but it was special to me and it was a limited edition.
I saw it and was totally taken aback by its charms. (not actual charms like a charm bracelet, just charms as in charming and pleasant to the eye.)
I asked my mom if she could buy it for me.
She had started a small bank account for me and I had a few dollars in it so she said I could use the money in it to buy the watch.
I said ok until they told me the price. Being a limited edition it was a bit more than usual.
I thought about the amount in my bank account against the amount of the watch and for some ungodly reason decided it was too much.
We went about our day, but my mind kept going back to the watch.
By the end of the night I was having hot flashes and visions of nightmarish horror.
I couldn't believe I said no to my sweet charming Spidey watch.
Well dam the price and dam the bank account.
I ran to my mom and told her I changed my mind and I wanted the watch. She asked me if I was sure and sure I was.
So the next day we went to the store to get my beautiful timepiece only to have my world come crashing down!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My watch was sold (probably right after I turned my back on it... dam fate!) and since it was limited they were not getting anymore.
Well I was frantic. I told my mom to please take me to another store. I had to have that dang-blasted watch if it was the last thing I did.
Then she said something that is still with me today.
She said "You snooze, you lose."
So if you see something you want, don't wait till tomorrow what you can get today.
Don't let fate decide if you should have something or not.
To copy a saying by the company Nike "Just Do It"
So if your wondering if I ever got my Spidey watch...
Well I'll tell you this much.
Fossil makes some beautiful and very charming watches of all my fav characters like Batman Superman and yes Spider-Man. ;)


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