Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Television Turns To Sci-Fi

Wow have you seen how many different series are coming out that have some form of sci-fi tendencies in them.
I believe it all started with Lost which I consider in my humble opinion one of the best shows out today.
I know Battlestar Galactica is coming back on the 15th and yes that show totally deserves many many accolades, but for sheer audience value and getting the networks off their butts and getting some quality sci-fi...Well that honor goes to Lost.
But I digress.
How can I even begin to explain all the shows coming out... It's that mmmmuuuucccchhhhh!!!!!!!!
So instead of just rattling off a bunch of shows and talk a little bit about them, what I'll do is simply tell you the ones I'm looking forward to seeing and you can tell me what your looking to see.
Nightstalker always freaked me out as a kid, so when I saw they were making a remake I totally turned like 5 again and ran under my bed. (not an easy thing considering all the weight I've put on since.)
Also on the horizon is Fathom based on Michael Turner's comic of the same name.
You guys already know how I feel about him so "nuff said.
Invasion looks like V all over again and if they get close to that creepy show well that's gonna rock.
I'm kinda mad at Sci-Fi channel for canceling a terrific show like Farscape only to rehash the main stars in that horrible looking StarGate Atlantis.
I don't know if I'm treating it like I did Battlestar but I just can't bring myself to watch it.
Anyway I could go on all night; so suffice to say keep your eye out for a slew of great shows, good enough to tape shows and what the heck were they thinking shows.


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