Thursday, January 26, 2006

Lost in Charlie's world

I absolutely love Dominic Monaghan and when I heard that this ep was a Charlie ep I was thrilled.
And if you saw it you can see why.
Dom is such a talented actor that everything he does just seems perfect.
I have not yet seen a scene with Charlie in it that wasn't funny or thrilling or sad to the point that it captivates you.
Yes I will say it I LOVE CHARLIE.
but even more so Dominic the actor.
Cause I loved him in LOTR also, but I confess not as much as I love Charlie.
So maybe it is Charlie and Not Dominic... Hummm interesting.
But I digress.
This ep had a scene in it where Locke stares at Charlie that totally blew my mind.
Locke is quickly becoming a very freaky character.
So now all that's left is to figure out the wild dreams Charlie keeps having.
It would seem that they were just a scare tactic to get the kid baptized.
Thank God Mr. Eko was around.
Everyting seems to be coming together.
Hey I wonder if Walt was baptized.
Maybe that's why the Others grabbed him.
Well only time will tell.
For now I will have to settle for my once in a blue moon appearance of my fav British actor who told his fans that he loves surfing and he wants to find a surf board on the island and go surfing.
I love that idea.
You go surfer boy.
one last thought... had to tape Vernonica Mars to watch Invasion and I fell asleep during Invasion and haven't had time to watch Mars.
So I'll have to get back to you on all these things.
Invasion is fast becoming a total bore.
Why did they cancel Threshold I'll never know.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Me & my ipod...the wonders never seize

Last week I was outta town helping out my mom.
My stepfather isn't doing too good and she needs some phyiscal and emotional help.
I knew that I could help her out but I also knew that alot of my shows were coming back.
I was fine cause she likes to watch alot of my shows, but she doesn't have cable.
So of all the shows we watched I only missed Battlestar Galactica.
Well lo and behold in comes my new ipod to help with all that.
Seems that BSG is one of the downloadable shows for the ipod, so I made my very first purchase for 1.99 and watched part II of "Resurrection Ship" and it was GREAT!!!!
Wow this show just keeps getting better all the time.
And tonight's ep was just as powerful with the Prez dying of her cancer and Sharon's baby as the key.
Very interesting that she saw Gaius and#6 making out in her dream.
Will she put 2 & 2 together?
Only time will tell.
And also Smallville is kickin' it into high gear.
Next week is the 100th ep will someone dies.
The one who makes the most sense is Chloe cause she works for the Daily Planet and if she dies, then her friend Clark Kent and her cousin Lois Lane might just pick up where she left off.
Or Lionel Luthor might get another "visit" by Jor-El and get the $#!& knocked outta him.
Either way something is going down.
Tune in next week to find out.

Friday, January 06, 2006

Battlestar Galactica is here at last...FRAKKIN' bout time

I have to admit something.
I love Helo.
He is like one of the best characters ever.
Now that's not to say Starbuck doesn't totally steal ever FRAKKIN' SCENE SHE'S IN.
And what's up wit the Prez.
She's getting down right nasty in her end days.
Yeah baby...U GO GIRL!!!!
Cain is gonna get what's coming to her real good, and I think it's gonna be her XO who does it.
Did you see him drinking with Tigh.
He hates that bitch as much as everyone else.
Well at least Adama is gonna have Starbuck on his side.
You think she's gonna do it.
Well as I said before, she won't have to cause the XO is gonna whack the nutjob for everybody.
You think the #6 prisoner told Gaius the truth about that ship.
You think if they blow it up it will cut off the cyclons for good.
Dam this season is really kickin' it big time with us humans.
We are taking no $#!& from anyone this time around.
Not even ourselves.
And I bet that's what the cyclons are hoping for.
I just hope they are wrong.
Anyway I will be totally pissed if they kill off the Prez or Helo or even Chief.
Only time will tell.

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Battlestar is gearing up for another shot

This Friday marks the end of a long wait.
Friday the 6th will herald in the next chapter in the continuing adventures of the Battlestar Galactica team as they fight one of their own.
And what about the reporter chick, you know Lucy Lawless' character.
No not Xena silly, the cylon chick from BSG.
Anyway TV Guide guy Michael Ausiello is finally on board as a true fan.
Well that's all I wanted to really say.
See you soon.