Monday, February 27, 2006


If you missed last weeks installment oF BSG then you missed what can only be described as "THE BEST EPISODE EVER!!!!!!!!!!"
It can only be described as action packed mania and nerve splitting drama.
Seems the Cylons are becoming more human and the humans are becoming more Cold Hearted Machine.
Case in point...
The Prez decides that Sharon can't be allowed to keep her new child... you read it right Sharon has the kid... so she fakes the kid's death and gives the kid to an adopted parent.
Who by the way has no idea that the child she just adopted is half human and half cylon.
Back on Caprica, Starbucks little boytoy soldier decides to blow up a cafe and takes #6 and Sharon with it.
BUT this Sharon is the new body with the old memories stuck in it as well as the #6 who was doing BALTAR who takes his pop shots at her since...wait for it...he is stuck in her head like the #6 is stuck in Baltar's head on Galactica.
And to sweeten the pot, Xena is back in full force as the back stabbing cylon bitch who wants to "Box" #6 and Sharon cause they wont conform to the military ways of the other cylons.
All this happens in the space of 45 minutes and let me tell you it was GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!
The best scene is how #6 takes out Xena.
You just know that when she wakes up in her new body she's gonna do that war-cry thing and pop a cap in #6's ass.
Watch your back baby cause I likey you mucho.
Very cool and complicated story here.
Download it on your ipod if you missed it.
It's well worth the 1.99.
C U Around...


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