Thursday, July 14, 2005

Anticipating the Season Premiere of BSG

Tomorrow we will find out so many wonderful cliffhanger notes such as: what will happen to William Adama, will Apollo and the Pres stay in jail, what's up with #6 and the doc visiting the Opera Hall with the baby crib, will Starbuck ever get off Caprica and will she kill Boomer?
Only time will tell. Not many more hours from now.
I heard thru the grapevine that there will be 27 episodes instead of the 13 from 1st season.
I also heard that one of the main characters will come out, as in he's gay, and that all the characters knew he was gay.
The only one's who didn't know were the viewing public.
That is just an example of how totally awesome this series is.
They plan so far in the future it's mind boggling.
Have I told you lately how much I truly appreciate this show?
please tune in tomorrow to see what all the fuss is about.
Oh and just in case you didn't see the latest cover of TV Guide, guess what show graces the front (I'll be it's only 1 of like 4, but at least it's 1).
Well I'm off to get some rest so that I can be fully awake for the premiere.
See you there and hopefully here.


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