Tuesday, March 14, 2006

End of the season for BSG

Well its official the last ep aired for Battlestar Galactica and I must say I have mixed emotions about it.
They (being the writers or whoever is creating these eps) are sorely missing the boat here.
There are tons of people coming on board to see these shows and I feel that the quality has slacked big time.
NOw the other night they had the BEST show ever and I really was amazed at how perfect it was but his last installment really didn't push the envelope enough.
Now I'm hoping that all these wagon jumpers are saying the opposite and telling there friends how great the show is but somehow I don't think that's happening.
All I can say is please no more of the "one day ago" eps where we see a character then they flashback to "one day ago".
That works in very small doses and with the whole season littered with them the ending where they jump one year ahead has less impact.
I was like "hell no they didn't".
But alas they did. :(
BUT :) I am waiting to see how they're gonna get out of this one.
Baltar surrenders and all those Cylons look pissed.
Number six was a sly one for blowing up Cloud 9 and setting the sights on there little planet in hiding.
But that was #6 from Pegasus, what about Caprica#6. Did she fail with Caprica Sharon to change the "minds" of the Cylons and what about Baltar's#6 she was very upset with him.
All these #6's are driving me nuts.
Anyway I still liked it enough to stand by it but I swear they better start putting out more shows like the one from the other day.
Thats what I'm talkin' bout baby... yeah



Blogger Larry said...

The one year leap was a big gamble. I for one liked the finale, but part of watching a cool show like BSG is that you get to see the story unfold. When season 3 starts up in the fall, it will be a lot like starting the series all over again. We as viewers will need to learn about the characters once more. My biggest question is what happened to Boomer. Helo was in the CIC, but no sign of her. Hmm...

And we'll have to see Katie Sackhoff in that hideous blonde wig again :)

8:40 PM

Blogger sci-fi and super-heroes said...

Well larry I gues Boomer is searching for her kid which if you remember is down on the planet with our fav prez. Helo is my all time fav character too so he does deserve a break when the Cylons do attack. I heard a major character will be offed and it best not be Helo. :{ And that wig on Starbuck...LOL

11:58 AM


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