Friday, July 15, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Battlestar

Hey guess what happened to me on my way to watching the season premiere of the best sci-fi show around....
I got dragged into seeing Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Now I know what your thinking.
Is he out of his mind.
He has been waiting for this show for months now.
Well I thought it would be nice to go see Johnny Depp do his thing with Tim Burton and tape BSG, that way I could fast forward thru all the commercials.
And the result was just that!
I saw Charlie and afterwards I came home and watched BSG.
Now I could go on for hours on how fantastic both shows were and how Johnny and Tim are terrific together.
Or how spine-tingling nerve wracking watching the second season start.
But you already know how great both are so I'll just leave it at that.
Although when I watch it again I'll be sure to mention some of the cooler scenes, like that new ship I was talking about crash landing and letting the cylons on-board.
Or Boomer acting all dumb and clueless while Col. Tigh knocks the crap outta her.
Can't wait to see how Caprica Boomer is gonna get out from Starbucks shooting range, cause my girl is pissed with a capital P.
Doesn't Helo get it.
She's a fracking cylon dude!!!!!
How weird was it seeing Adama and Tigh young and with hair.
AND just seconds away from burning himself alive, how freaky was that.
Well if you like Tim Burton or Johnny Depp then go see Charlie, or if you prefer just stay home and watch some of the best shows on TV.
Tomorrow if I get around to it, I taped Stargate and I'll tell you how I like Ben in his new gig.
Until then...Keep #6 away from the baby department at Macy's cause that kids gonna need major counseling.


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