Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Invasion of the Sci-Fi Snatchers

Wow I can not get over how many shows are coming out with a flair for the oddity.
Today I saw coming attractions for Ghost Whisper with Jennifer Love Hewitt.
Looked good if you ask me, but I love all things different and strange.
So I guess I'm bias.
Anyway believe it or not I just got through watching one of my fav shows on right now that isn't sci-fi related or super hero related (I know. I feel like I'm cheating too :)
Have you ever seen the show Rock Star: INXS.
Its about 15 awesome singers who are vying for the lead spot of the band INXS.
It's sort of like American Idol but with talent.
I have my fav picked out already which is Mig and he does one hell of a performance every week.
Keep it up dude!!!!
But I digress.
They keep showing the trailer for Invasion and it looks great but I am starting to get very nervous.
Too many shows are gonna flood the market and possibly knock out some really great shows.
This happens all the time and I really don't feel comfortable getting used to a show only to have the powers that be decide the ratings are good enough to keep it around.
I really hope that I am wrong and instead of having CSI: "FILL IN A CITY HERE" or Law and Order: Undercover and out of ideas, we will start to see some different and unique shows filling the airwaves.
Well until that time I'll have my fingers crossing over with John Edward...hoping for that one day George Lucas has a certain show about Jedi's and Sith's on the television sets.
May that force be with all of you.


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