Monday, July 25, 2005

Todd McFarlane's World of Wonders

When I was starting to get back into comics (I fell out during the 80's), there was this comic that looked really amazing.
I missed the first few issues and I was planning on just letting the whole series pass by.
I remember asking my local comic boy guy what he thought.
He told me" If you see something you really like, then collect it. Never collect anything you don't like cause then you'll be stuck with something you don't like."
The problem was that I was at issue #4 and believe it or not issues #1-3 were already claiming prices up and around 20.00.
Well I decided that day that I would do it.
I asked my comic guy to get me #1-3 and I even got a pretty good deal on the 3 comics.
I just finished reading issue #147 of the ground breaking series "Spawn" and I haven't regretted purchasing any of the issues since.
I own every single issue from #1 on and I expect to get issue #150 with all the covers soon.
Spawn is the story of how a military ops soldier makes a deal with the "Devil" to come back and fight for him as long as he can see his beautiful wife Wanda again.
The problem was that the Devil brought him back 5 years later and she married his best friend and have a child together.
Moral of that story, be very specific when makingdeals with devils.
Anyway Al Simmons (that's Spawn's real name) now roams the globe killing all these bad guys which in turn helps theDevil's army grow stronger.
See the catch 22 there.
And to make matters worst, Heaven is totally against him and wants him dead.
Spawn has fought many a villain, mostly from Heaven and Hell, but his greatest villain in my eyes has always been Todd himself.
He started this terrific comic from a dream he had to separate himself from the big 2 Marvel and DC.
He took along a couple of big shots with him and they formed Image Comics.
Image put out some great comics with Shadowhawk from Jim Valentino, Savage Dragon from Erik Larsen, Cyberforce by Marc Silvestri, Youngblood with amazing art by Rob Liefeld and the man/myth Jim Lee doing WildCATS.
Although all these great talent came under one title, things just didn't work themselves out.
The product of bad planning and monster egos destroyed what could have been competition for there old jobs.
Now Todd struggles to keep Image afloat doing his best to keep Spawn from following all those other great titles.
He though, as I said before, is his worst enemy.
I'm glad you asked me.
It has to do with priorities.
He made a bucket full of cash and decided to let other wanna-bes take over while he went gallivanting around town buying baseballs and such.
He put out one of the best animated shows and then just forgot all about it.
His movie was ground-breaking with mouth-dropping visuals and eye candy for any fanboy but that went up in flames too.
Where is the continuation of the animated shows?
What ever happened to Spawn 2?
And why in God's great name hasn't Todd drawn his title again.
He can't be that busy!
He's not doing anything.
Get off your lazy ass and draw your title into the #1 spot again.
Anyway I really don't see this happening so in the meantime I will continue to pop down 2 bucks to read that totally amazing ground-breaking comic from my days gone by.
And if anyone reads this, please pass it on to Todd just to let him know we are still here and we'll still waiting.


Blogger Naked Boy said...

That Tim, he is a slick one.

8:12 PM


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