Sunday, August 07, 2005

DC Crisis is a Crisis for us

Wow I just finished reading the OMAC PROJECT #'s 3 and 4 and Villains United #'s 1, 2 and 3 and let me tell you...Wow what a great start to the Crisis storyline.
My only complaint is they broke off the story in the OMAC PROJECT in between 3 and 4 and made you have to read Superman and Wonder Woman books, which by the way I didn't buy and I wasn't about to go run out and find them.
Now a very important part of the story is missing and I'm screwed without it.
Very bad DC, very naughty!
I went ahead and started reading these stories without getting the whole storyline together to begin with (and you know I hate doing that), so you just know I'm fuming over this little cross promotion shit.
I don't know if I'm gonna get the Superman comics to find out what happened, but if you read the story you know that it's important.
Dam why do they put important story plots in other comic books, I don't think they ever did that before.
In the past, the cross promotion books were just side stories that really didn't interfere with the main story.
Well I already know what happens so I guess I really don't need the details.
But still, it would have been nice to know how and why.
Onto the Villains United storyline.
Man oh man what a crazy infectious story we have here.
I could not put down the book, and I ran to get the other ones.
I read the whole 3 books in record time.
Now I must admit that I have no idea who these characters are, seeing as I don't read DC comics so their villains are new to me, but dam if that story wasn't good.
I can't wait to see what the Secret Six will do next, and most importantly Catman.
What a terrific character and a super man to beat.
I don't know what they plan on doing to this guy in the future, but if DC was smart they would do 2 things.
First change the guys name.
I mean Catman is very lame (especially for this guy from nowhere that's heading to somewhere).
Second promote him as you would any great asset.
And let me tell you, he's got an amazing asset.
Reading these 2 stories just makes me want to read the Marvel storyline "House of M" cause if fracking DC can come out with a truly innovative story like this, what will the House of Ideas do!
The pressure is on Joe, don't let the fanboys down.


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