Saturday, July 30, 2005

Three Times the Charm for ROTS

I just finished watching Revenge of the Sith for the third time (I know only 3 times, I'm slacking) and I'm gonna let you in on a little secret...
Watching a movie more than once DOES NOT ruin anything.
In fact the third time I saw it, the movie was actually better.
I'll tell you why....
The first time you watch it you're all excited about finally seeing the dam thing.
After 4 years you like, show the dam thing already.
Well most movies are never as good as their hype.
It's impossible to live up to that kind of expectation.
So most movies crumble. i.e... Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. (no he didnt yes he did...)
So when you watch the movie twice, you're going into it with low expectations.
Now your actually watching the movie and your less stressed, more focused.
Most people will enjoy the movie now, if only because now they are actually seeing it.
Now seeing a movie 3 times, what do you think will happen?
Well now you've already "seen" the movie so now your looking at it; studying it.
Now you're saying to yourself "hey here's the scene where so and so does this, and this is the scene where this or that happens."
For the first time your actually "watching" the movie and for most films this is when you can determine whether or not the movie "sucks".
Now in the case of Revenge of the Sith, you find that the "Oscars" better give notice and respect to George for dotting all his "I's" and crossing all his "T's".
This movie really and truly is the best picture of the year, and wouldn't it be nice that after the "first" Star Wars was nominated and lost that this one will claim the prize so much deserving.
So get back out there and watch Revenge one more time in the theatre where it deserves to be seen and remember after it's gone you only have your little television screen to see this epic.
I've said enough.
Now go and do what needs to be done to fulfill your destiny young Jedi.
And I'll see you there for the 4th time. :)


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