Tuesday, August 30, 2005


WOW I just got thru seeing Friday's BSG (which I taped) then Big Bro then Rock Star: INXS
Well let me just say I loved all 3 shows.
BUT I'll start with Big Bro first.
If Janelle doesn't win I'll be pissed.
She's the best and I just love her!!!
Oh wow bold type cool.
Anyway on to Rock Star which is fast becoming my addiction of the week.
MIg was sooooo good with Live and Let Die and for the first time I saw Susie become the lead singer.
Way to go girl!!!
Jordice is great just not for INXS.
Marty was good but he's slipping.
And Ty and J.D. well someone is going home.
You Know there are few shows that I actually watch twice.
Yeah you have you fav shows on DVD and such, but do you actually watch the shows again and again?
Well it occurred to me that I have watched this show more than once on two occasions.
BTW I taped the show and that's how I watched it twice.
Well after watching last Friday's show, it seems like I'll do it again.
What a fracking excellent piece of work this episode was.
Perfect in every detail.
I am always amazed at how well produced this show is and have stayed home on Fridays only to watch it.
Although I do enjoy taping it so that I may re-watch it again.
Well I have said my piece.
Thanks for dropping by it was very kind of you.
And as a parting thought.... Prison Break rocked the house last night with me and 10.5 million other eager eyes.
Very good start, can't wait to see what else they plan to do.
Keep up the good work everyone.


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