Tuesday, August 09, 2005

the worst summer movie to date is......

The Dukes of Hazzard!!!!
yeah what do we have a parting gift Johnny?
Well for one thing we have the 2 hours of your life you just wasted and the 32.00 for tickets and concession.
But wait that's not all.
If you act now you can save your friends from wasting their time and money.
Darn you forgot about your family, now Mom's pissed at ya for making her summer end with a fizzle.
Thank God you got good TV shows to calm your nerves.
Great Ceaser's Ghost!!!!!
Sorry I just felt like yelling that out.
Well this blog will be short 'n quick.
Don't waste your time with Dukes, its not mindless fun. It's slow and boring with terrible punch lines and horrible dialog.
I just can't believe they wasted all that talent for nothing.
Whoever that Indian guy is that directed this mess, PLEASE stand behind Joel Schumacher as the worst director to screw up a great idea.
Holy Lame Ass Cameo As The Campus Police Batman!!!!!
Caught ya sweety.
Anyway save your cash and stay home and watch Battlestar Galactica.
Way more fun for half the cost.
For now this is me signing off.
Till next time, Make Mine Marvel
Nuff Said


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