Sunday, August 14, 2005

Skeleton Key with 4 Bros and the Rest of my Weekend

What a crazy weekend it was.
Friday I went to a friends house and had a wild party that lasted until 5:30.
Lots of drinking and goofing around.
Needless to say a fun time was had by all.
On Saturday 5 of my friends went to Hard Rock Casino for my friends birthday.
He always wanted to try this restaurant there called Tatu, which is an Asian restaurant.
After waiting about 2 hours for our table (which the hostess tells me after midnight they switch to sushi only, very snotty like), we finally sit.
The waitress comes by and talks us into this sake after the one we wanted was out.
It seemed like they were out of everything that night as well.
We order our meal and ask for water cause it was a hot night and we were all thirsty.
Well after the waitress forgets we ask the guy who brings the appetizer and he forgets.
We ask the waitress again but no good; then the guy who brings the food and he was a no show also.
We get the waitress again and she says ok, but Yes again she forgets.
Well at this point I'm ready to get the water myself, being as I am dying of thirst.
Well after all that she brings one glass for my friends and none for the rest of us, remember we had 5 altogether.
When we ask her where is our water she says real nasty like "did you ask for water."
Bitch you gotta be kidding me!!!!
Well that was Saturday night.
Sunday I went to see a double feature Four Brothers and Skeleton Key.
4 Bros was a great film and it hit close to home as I cried through most of it.
My mom's not dead but it just touched a nerve.
Skeleton Key was ok with an ending that was kinda predictable.
The real bitch of this weekend was that my cable went out on Saturday and I couldn't see 4400 and Dead Zone!!!
Very bad indeed, but at least I got to see BSG which totally rocked the universe.
A new Cylon, very nice.
And Starbuck with that extra scar which you know is gonna come back and bite her on the ass.
Probably real soon too.
And what's up with the hottie new beau, girl you betta go back and get him off that mountain top before he saves some of those women from the Cylon Pediatric Ward.
Very nasty stuff going on.
And what's with Boomer rescuing the day and acting all pro-human.
Loved the scenes of her and Starbuck going at it, especially that remark about Starbuck being very important to the Cylons cause.
All in all it was a very wild weekend.
I'm broke and exhausted and that's my cue to say " I'm Outta Here!!!"


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