Saturday, September 24, 2005

FIREFLY,Ghost Whisper, Threshold and the season finale of BSG

What a night I had last night.
I went over to my friends house and we drank and played poker and had a hell of a time.
BUT .... I had to tape all my fav shows and let me tell you it isn't an exact science.
For instance... I missed the very end of Threshold and with BSG they were gonna have this special message that is now lost forever.
But hey who am I kidding I just watched 3 hours of totally on your seat, fire in the hole, tear wrenching drama and excitement like none other.
Let me start off with Firefly.
I stayed home for this that's why I just watched "3" hours of shows and not 4.
I can not wait till next week where we will finally find out what's up with this River chick.
Her real name is Summer but she's the sister of the doc on Serenity and things got real touchy in this ep.
Adam Baldwin's character Jayne pulled a quickie and turned out fugitives over to the Alliance.
Real nasty guys who are a cross between the Men In Black and the Agents from Matrix.
Of course they turn on Jayne and he has to save the day and his @$$ from all concerned.
Well Mal the ever wise captain sees right thru Jayne's little back-stabbing and threatens to shoot him out the air lock.
The only thing that saves him is his honesty so I guess honor amongst thieves really does work.
Anyway we learn a bit more about our mysterious River.
Like I said can't wait till next week.
Onto Ghost Whisper, a show I almost didn't tape and that I almost fast forwarded through.
WELL am I ever thankful for not having a life.
Cause if I did, I wouldn't have the time to spend watching this absolutely Awesome show.
Now here's the set-up.
Chick can talk to ghosts and when she's stupid enough to let the ghosts see her starring at them, they ask for help.
In this ep she marries her paramedic guy and yes he knows what she can do.
He's torn between saving lives and saving his wife from having to deal with all the aftermath.
But as his dead brother said at their wedding "he has a way of making people feel safe, let him know it counts." or something like that.
Anyway this Vietnam Vet "Wentworth Miller from Prison Break" dies and comes back to visit his son just as he's about to have a child of his own.
When there is a major event in the ghosts life they have a way of showing up.
After being told the get out of his house and that she should be ashamed of toying with his emotions, the soldiers son realizes that its real.
Now he has a chance to tell his dad how he feels and dad has a chance to see his son and grandchild.
Very emotional performances that had me crying like a little schoolgirl.
Then Threshold part deux comes on.
This show is very compelling but it needs to slow down a bit.
It's very confusing to keep up with and I fear that it will start to lose a major portion of its audience if it keeps up the intense mystery its pulling off.
Even I was having a hard time keeping up with who is who and what that person does and such.
I mean Lost does something very clever when they flashback to the private lives of the castaways.
This allows the story to flow and the audience to know who these people are.
It also allows us to breathe a bit.
It's funny I never thought about that until I watched this ep of Threshold, and I guess Lost can thank at least one of its rip-offs for that much.
I'll stick around cause I love all this sci-fi stuff and I hope enough people do the same.
It would suck if a great show gets cancelled cause it was too smart.
I was getting into the show too, when just like that the tape switches over to Battlestar Galactica.
I guess The Kid didn't say anything to Our Heroine on Threshold.
Only time will tell.
Hell for that matter best show period.
Seems as though Our Fleet can add another ship to its roster.
The Pegasus survived by blind jumping away from the 12 colonies and is lead by an admiral who out ranks Adama!
Well Frack that.
Adama is all puppy dog and yes sir no sir...
Wake up dammit!!!!!
What if this is some elaborate Cylon plot.
But that #6 all beat up and Baltar all sweet, I almost felt sorry for the Cylons.
Dam how's that for a switcharoo.
And that freak trying to rape Sharon.
As Whitney would say "HELL TO THE NO!!!!"
Dam I would kill the bastard to, if he tried to rape my girl.
They are taking these guys everywhere, showing them everything.
And the dumb bitch has just did the worst thing EVER!!!!!!!
All I know is next season is gonna rock with Adama and that Bitch Admiral battling it out for my boys.
All in all this was just another example of really great production values and a cast that never lets you down and special effects that surprisingly enough you don't even know exist.
Wow and that was just one night's worth of offerings.
Can't wait to see how all the other shows are gonna pan out.
But until then, Kick that bitch's face in Adama.....


Blogger Anne said...

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2:24 PM

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2:42 PM


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