Monday, September 19, 2005

Hit me Rita Baby one more time

Enough is enough already.
As I write this Miami is preparing for yet another Hurricane.
University of Miami are gonna have to change their team name for fear of retaliation.
All I know is Surface premiers tonight and if they cancel it for repeated broadcasts of Rita doing this and Rita moving here, I'm gonna totally freak.
It's bad enough that I might lose power, now I have to deal with the weathermen make false accusations about where and when Rita will hit.
They don't have a clue!!!
Why do I have to deal with this.
Mother Nature is a bitch.
Anyway I'll be back later if I have power to tell you how Surface went, if it isn't cancelled due to this storm that is.
AGHH I hate hurricanes!!!
Go away Rita!
We don't want ya!


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