Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Alex Ross graces the cover of Wizard and Ty leaves a wake in his path plus Mars Attacks along with Katrina

Wizard is the best source for all things comics and this month Alex Ross gives us a split cover scene of the good guys and the bad guys from DC.
It's an awesome cover and one of my fav already.
AN instant classic you might say.
Lots of stories and articles are inside which I haven't had the time to read, but they do give a glimspe into the whole Infinite Crisis and man does that look good.
Sorry Marvel but your little "House" is nothing but a "House" of cards ready to crumble under the might of this Crisis.
This coming from a man who collects nothing but Marvel (as I have given a list of comics that I purchased a few blogs back).
So what does this mean for DC?
Will I start to collect their titles now?
Well lets just get past the "Crisis" at hand.
After that I will decide if anything stands out.
On a somber note or two...
I am really feeling for those lost souls in New Orleans.
Having just survived the very same storm that hit them, I can understand and know what they are going through.
Although Katrina was only a category 1 here and a category 4 there, I did survive Andrew in 1992 that was actually a category 5!
There are no real words to put into the destruction Florida and myself have gone through and I hope that Mississippi and Louisiana can survive through this mess.
Stay strong!
I know it seems like this is the end and that nothing will be right again but it will get better.
and on another somber note...
Ty from Rock Star: INXS was voted out today and what he said really struck a note with me.
He said that America voted against him only because of his color ( he didn't actually say it, but rather implied it) and I tend to agree.
He said that America couldn't see him fronting a rock band.
Is he right?
I think so.
I just hope he doesn't become bitter or lose sight of what should be his ultimate goal.... To be a rock star.
Keep singing Ty cause you really did rock the house!
And to close I'll say that I watched yet another fan-freaking-tasic ep of Veronica Mars and I can't wait to see how last year played out and better yet what the new year will bring.
Mr. Rob Thomas you have crafted a supreme show sir; keep it up.
Thank you everyone for listening to my rant today.
See ya tomorrow.


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