Sunday, September 18, 2005

And the EMMY goes to...........

How cool was it that William Shatner uttered those famous words once again with that amazing opera chick singing the theme.
And when the memoriam came on and I saw Scotty it all came together.
And I would be crazy not to mention Christopher Reeve.
Truly a super man.
Well thanks to my foolish friend who knows nothing of talent, Donald Trump and the drunk chick from Will and Grace won the Emmy Idol thing.
Dam them all to hell...
I was going for either Captain Kirk or Veronica Mars.
Hey Kristian Bell kicked major ass as the Debbie Gibson version of Fame.
Well Desperate Housewives didn't win but....
LOST GOT BEST DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent choice voters because you f_ _ ked it up all night.
And thank God Everyone Loves Raymond is off the fracking air already.
Now maybe someone else can win!!!!!
I like Boston Legal and I'm glaad that both William's Denny Crane and James Spader's Alan won yet again.
Both performances are outstanding.
BUT let's have someone else win next year.
We know they are great characters, MOVE ON!
OK you can tell I'm a bit bitter tonight cause Rita is on the way here and all my premieres are coming on next week and if they fill the airways with every freaking inch this stupid storm is moving, well I'm gonna bust a cap in someone's ass!
Why do we need to know if the storm picked up another 5 miles speed or that in 3 days we might get hit.
I want some escape from the real world.
That's why I watch fantasy shows.
Not to be constantly reminded hour after hour about some storm that possibly might hit here.
Well anyway I'm glad Felicia Huffman won on Desperate Housewives cause she's a trip to watch. Thanks for your time and listening to my rants and raves.
See you tomorrow where I'll tell you exactly where Rita is now and where The Storm where possibly hit in the next 3 seconds and then the next 3 seconds from there.
Ta Ta and Toddle Loo!!!!


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