Friday, September 09, 2005

Xena------Cylon Princess?

I Love Lucy and Lucy Loves the Cyclons!!!!!
Oh $#!% they made Lucy Lawless a Fracking CYLON!!!!
Ok that was the best part of this so so ep of BSG but dam if they didn't save the best for last.
Of all the eps I've seen in this truly ground breaking series, this one was the least exciting.
If you just decided to join the fleet, please take another tour.
You won't be sorry.
And Hell wasn't it worth it to see Starbuck and Apollo just about naked with all but a towel wrapped around them.
That has to warrant another look-see.
I have a terrible confession.
I fell asleep during the last part and missed the very end upto the reveal of Lucy's character being a Cylon.
But fear not cause I found out that Sci-Fi repeats the same ep at 1 pm EST so I just watched the ep over again.
Found out all I missed was who was behind the attack on Col. Tigh.
Poor little marine can't sleep at night thinking about all 4 of the civilians he saw die.
Well I suppose I see his dilemma.
But what happened to him?
I missed that part.
Glad I taped it this time around, just in case I fell asleep again.
Ha mama didn't raise no fool.
And I get to watch that scene in the locker room again with Starbuck and Apollo all naked.
Well until I have something important to say...See ya


Blogger ~The Modern Tragedy said...

The ending could not have been more perfect with lucy being a cylone. and OMFG APOLLO in a towel PLS GOD I WANT HIM

11:05 PM

Blogger by chance said...

Lucy is great on BSG. I'm so glad she's on it.

8:56 PM


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