Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mars Invasion is Lost

Every morning at work I read TV Guide online to see what's new in the TV world.
They always have these surveys asking what your fav show was the night before.
I never really have a problem with casting my vote cause it's pretty cut and dry, but this time was a real test.
Let me explain.
Last night I watched Lost and then Invasion while taping Veronica Mars.
I got a call at 9:49 from a friend and I was so pissed cause I DO NOT like to be bothered when watching my shows.
And my friends know this.
So when Lost went to commercial I played my voicemail message.
In it my friend tells me if I was watching "Veronica's Closet" and to call her back.
I knew she was watching Veronica Mars and giggled at the Closet remark. (That was a show with Kirstie Alley JFYI).
Lost had almost scene for scene what happened last ep but I must admit, as pissed as I was that they were wasting my time, they did provide lots of gasps and OMG's.
Like the shark in the water.
Did anyone else notice that the dam thing had the symbol of the company from the hatch on it.
And what about the room full of food.
If I was Kate, I would grab a couple extra candy bars to.
Not to mention Kim running with his hands tied yelling for bloody murder.
Let me tell you, if one of my friends came running out of nowhere with his hands tied screaming like he just say the Devil, I wouldn't stand there going "what's wrong. I can't understand you. calm down." Or whatever they said.
I would be hauling @$$ right along with him. Probably scream too, even though I wouldn't know what the hell I was screaming about.
Invasion is getting real good too, especially with that "shower" scene. ;)
But it wasn't until I watched the season premiere of Veronica Mars that I knew exactly why my friend called and exactly at what part.
I almost called her when Vern went to kiss her boyfriend and it was DUNCAN!!!!!
This after the fact that when she answered the door, Logan was standing there all bloody and bruised for Weevil's little gang bang.
And any fool can see that he was totally trashed and couldn't kill anyone.
Come on the guy was being beat up by the whole gang, just when did he have time to stab anyone.
And where the hell was the rest of the gang at.
Why did they just leave the one guy there.
Many questions for that little mystery.
BUT.... how'd you like the little scene where Lily's ghost calls Vern over to Weevil just to prevent here from taking a swan dive into the Pacific Ocean along with the rest of the school.
And isn't it weird that the 9-o's got off the bus and into a limo sparing them the nasty taste of seawater in their mouths.
Well anyway when it came time to vote on the TV Guide survey for best show of the night, I had to vote for...
Should I tell you guys tomorrow?
Leave you guessing?
Well lets just say that Mars took the Invasion and didn't lose to Lost!
What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good mystery.
And no-one does mystery then our girl Veronica.
But don't worry all you Lost-ites cause that is one mystery that will have me on my seat all season long.


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