Sunday, October 02, 2005

Serenity the Movie is here at last

Joss Whedon said in a interview that if the serenity movie was good enough he would make it into a trilogy...
Well you better make room for 2 more!
What a total relief that my suspicions were sated.
This movie based on the Firefly television series brings hope back that you can make a kick-ass feature film based on a failed concept.
Picture it... Earth is used up and the Powers That Be decide to terriform a whole solar system to inhabit human beings.
Well some humans decide that they don't want to follow the PTB and strike back.
That didn't go over to well and now you have resistance against the Alliance b/k/a PTB.
The film starts off very nicely paced and doesn't stop until the end.
For my friend who was with me, he liked it although he'd never seen an ep of the original series.
That's very good news for Joss.
For me it was a dream come true.
Thank you Joss for being so good at what you do.
And although there is plenty of heartache there is equal amount of surprises.
I can not believe he killed off the Shepherd Book Ron Glass' character.
And he didn't even get good screen-time.
This is my only complaint as the other major death was at least warranted.
Killing off Wash Alan Tudyk's character took major huge balls and I am still reeling from it.
I can't believe he's gone.
What could he possibly have done to Joss to deserve being fired.
But he did float like a leaf and get his wife and crew to their destination.
Way to go Wash!
If I had never watched an ep of this amazing series I would say this movie was worth seeing, but having invested my time and emotions in these guys I can safely say....
and on a side note the ep with the nutjob who tortures Mal and Wash was fan-tas-tic.
Loved every scene!
Keep up the good work Joss, I'll see you for part 2.


Blogger Naked Boy said...

Is Joey going?

8:20 AM


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