Saturday, October 08, 2005

Vacation's All I Ever Wanted

Here I sit in front of my computer instead of enjoying the mountains of North Carolina thinking "What Went Wrong!"
We had a perfect plan to drive our friend upto N.C. for the weekend and now my whole vacation is a bust.
Sort of like that waste of a Smallville ep where Spike wasn't even mentioned and all we saw were some whack dudes getting all Serious with Clark.
And isn't it cute that Lex was behind it all.
Just like my "Friend" who just basically screwed me out of a great trip and has the balls to just go "I hope this doesn't mess up the plans."
What do you think it would do when you are relying on a certain amount of drivers and a certain amount of funds to make a road trip from Florida to North Carolina.
How about that ep of Threshold where they are looking for the souped up Asian guy who can put together a mean mother board.
I felt like that guy when he was fried on the train track when I was told that I wouldn't be able to go.
Or what about Invasion where everyone you love is being slowly turned and they look at you like they care but they are really plotting your demise.
I feel like the brother who sees something he shouldn't and BAM! gets knocked for a loop.
When I wake up all these "friends and loved ones" are all around going "Are you ok"
Maybe they should put me in that cryo-chamber and freeze me like on Alias and when all my friends can decide to actually follow thru on the plans we have made months in advance, then I can be woken up.
I'm just gonna call up Mars Investigations and see if Veronica can help me solve that major mystery.
Good luck girl, thats even harder than getting Kevin away from his Clerk station.
Don't bother asking for change cause just like at that store there is none to be found.


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