Saturday, November 26, 2005

I'M BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW what an amazing 3 weeks I just had.
I went on my vacation to Houston to visit my sister and her 8 kids (yeah she has 8 kids) and something happened at the end on my trip.
My mom fell and shattered her leg.
She had to be rushed to the hospital and is there as I write this, but she's doing so much better.
I was there to help in the healing process and I'm very glad I did that.
I didn't want my sister to take the burden of this on herself.
At least we had a chance to spend Thanksgiving Day together.
That was great cause we took our mom out of re-hab and she did great.
But I sit here writing my blog knowing that she's still in that place and that I'm here.
I wish I could've stayed a bit longer but I already stayed 3 weeks and my job was already asking me to come back.
Now I might have to move there and that's gonna be a whole new trauma.
But for now I'm back and everything is getting back to semi-normal.
Just to have my bed back after so long is a treat unto itself.
Yea I can't believe I'm sitting here.
I am so happy to be back yet so afraid for my mom and the trial of pain and suffering she's going to be going through.
I just hope that all will end with a sweet smile and everything works itself out.
One last thing... Happy Birthday Rose sorry I had to leave on your Birthday but you know there was no other way around it.


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