Sunday, December 04, 2005

the HELL of Christmas

Well it's official... Christmas, that 100 pound gorilla, is barreling its way down to us.
And I for one am not looking forward to it at all!
Christmas used to be one of my fav Holidays.
My friend and I would decorate our little home with every imaginable light and plastic figure with so much stuff that people would turn from US1 (a major street here) and take pictures and we would even get on the local news!
That was a longtime ago though, now-a-days I see a plastic Santa or a string of lights and it turns my stomach.
Can I actually say I hate Christmas?
I don't know if I'm ready for such a HUGE word but it's pretty close.
It's just that I have soooo much $#!& around my house that I'm being taken over.
I would love to sell the stuff by the illusion of eBay is just illusion.
To sell on eBay is like a pipe dream; a good idea once but now is just ultimately too time consuming and expensive to play with.
I would spend like 50 bucks a month on fees and such and not even sell anything!
And the stuff I would sell was worth it for me as I would lose money rather make it.
Now I have a house full of this unsellable crap and I just don't know what to do with it all.
I have nephews and nieces that don't like anything I have as now-a-days all they like is XBOX games.
I am so screwed and that's the reason why I am loss for what to do.
I believe what I'll do is just drown in all my wallow and when I can come up for air I'll figure something.
But for now, I am so not looking forward to Christmas.
So if anyone has any ideas, please feel free to let me know.
But for now have a wonderful time fighting the consumers and their little finds at your local Walmart and Target.


Blogger ymelendez said...

I can have your things!

9:04 AM


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