Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Alex Ross graces the cover of Wizard and Ty leaves a wake in his path plus Mars Attacks along with Katrina

Wizard is the best source for all things comics and this month Alex Ross gives us a split cover scene of the good guys and the bad guys from DC.
It's an awesome cover and one of my fav already.
AN instant classic you might say.
Lots of stories and articles are inside which I haven't had the time to read, but they do give a glimspe into the whole Infinite Crisis and man does that look good.
Sorry Marvel but your little "House" is nothing but a "House" of cards ready to crumble under the might of this Crisis.
This coming from a man who collects nothing but Marvel (as I have given a list of comics that I purchased a few blogs back).
So what does this mean for DC?
Will I start to collect their titles now?
Well lets just get past the "Crisis" at hand.
After that I will decide if anything stands out.
On a somber note or two...
I am really feeling for those lost souls in New Orleans.
Having just survived the very same storm that hit them, I can understand and know what they are going through.
Although Katrina was only a category 1 here and a category 4 there, I did survive Andrew in 1992 that was actually a category 5!
There are no real words to put into the destruction Florida and myself have gone through and I hope that Mississippi and Louisiana can survive through this mess.
Stay strong!
I know it seems like this is the end and that nothing will be right again but it will get better.
and on another somber note...
Ty from Rock Star: INXS was voted out today and what he said really struck a note with me.
He said that America voted against him only because of his color ( he didn't actually say it, but rather implied it) and I tend to agree.
He said that America couldn't see him fronting a rock band.
Is he right?
I think so.
I just hope he doesn't become bitter or lose sight of what should be his ultimate goal.... To be a rock star.
Keep singing Ty cause you really did rock the house!
And to close I'll say that I watched yet another fan-freaking-tasic ep of Veronica Mars and I can't wait to see how last year played out and better yet what the new year will bring.
Mr. Rob Thomas you have crafted a supreme show sir; keep it up.
Thank you everyone for listening to my rant today.
See ya tomorrow.

Tuesday, August 30, 2005


WOW I just got thru seeing Friday's BSG (which I taped) then Big Bro then Rock Star: INXS
Well let me just say I loved all 3 shows.
BUT I'll start with Big Bro first.
If Janelle doesn't win I'll be pissed.
She's the best and I just love her!!!
Oh wow bold type cool.
Anyway on to Rock Star which is fast becoming my addiction of the week.
MIg was sooooo good with Live and Let Die and for the first time I saw Susie become the lead singer.
Way to go girl!!!
Jordice is great just not for INXS.
Marty was good but he's slipping.
And Ty and J.D. well someone is going home.
You Know there are few shows that I actually watch twice.
Yeah you have you fav shows on DVD and such, but do you actually watch the shows again and again?
Well it occurred to me that I have watched this show more than once on two occasions.
BTW I taped the show and that's how I watched it twice.
Well after watching last Friday's show, it seems like I'll do it again.
What a fracking excellent piece of work this episode was.
Perfect in every detail.
I am always amazed at how well produced this show is and have stayed home on Fridays only to watch it.
Although I do enjoy taping it so that I may re-watch it again.
Well I have said my piece.
Thanks for dropping by it was very kind of you.
And as a parting thought.... Prison Break rocked the house last night with me and 10.5 million other eager eyes.
Very good start, can't wait to see what else they plan to do.
Keep up the good work everyone.

Monday, August 29, 2005

I GOT MY POWER BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

kATRINA aND tHE wAVES><<>><<>><<>><<>><<>><
i'M wALKING oN sUNSHINE...aND dON'T iT fEEL gOOD!!!!!!!!
A little storm from nowhere just knocked the socks off me and most everyone I know and I was just thinking......
When are the Aliens Landing or did They already land?
If you are planning on watching Invasion then you know what I'm talking about and if you don't know what I'm talking about I have one word for you....
I am so pissed that i missed the 4400 and Dead Zone Sunday.
Can anyone tell me if its gonna be replayed like Battlestar Galactica is tonight from 11 to 12.
Yes baby already taken care of.
What was my life before all these dam shows ruled my life?
Hey just watched Prison Break and it was great.
Can't wait to see what happens next.
I'll have my eye out on this for awhile.
It has been hell here in Miami.
And I say that with intensity.
My apartment was like 100 fracking degrees and I sweated so much I believe i'll never have to visit the sauna ever again.
But i will if only to relax my torn muscles after my workout.
I feel so good knowing that tomorrow I'll be coming home sitting down and watching my BSG which I hear was an awesome ep.
I am just happy to be able to get back to normal everyday stuff.
I'M BACK BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!WOO HOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Battlestar and Redeye and a few other thoughts

Man oh man!!!!!!
It's so refreshing that so many people are taking notice of BSG.
I want this show to last much more than 2 or 3 seasons.
If they play their cards right, I see it lasting 5 or 6 seasons.
And that's a very good thing.
Anyway with Helo and Boomer with Roslin and Starbuck and Apollo on Kobal who knows what will happen.
I can't believe Roslin ordered Boomer's death so coldly.
It reminded me of a cold and calculating machine.
Wouldn't That be a kick in the pants if the fracking President of the colonies is a fracking Cylon!
Makes you wonder.......
Anyway tonight is the 4400 and Dead Zone and after last week with my cable going out, I can't wait to see the shows.
Also I keep seeing all these new shows popping up that look totally cool.
The new one is called Supernatural.
Very spooky looking.
And Serenity is getting very close.
I saw Redeye today and they had this preview and interview with Joss Whedon for Serenity.
Its looks like preview audiences are very much enthused about the up and coming movie.
As I am.
By the way Firefly is so cool.
I saw it Friday and I really love the mix of Sci-Fi and Western.
Its an interesting blend.
But back to Redeye.
It was cool seeing Cillian again so soon after Batman.
Is he the new go to guy.
Anyway it was a good movie and it was nice seeing my hometown as the back drop.
Lots of intense scenes and Rachel was so nice to watch.
she's really becoming a good actress.
You go girl!
Well its getting late so time for me to fly.
Just don't ask me to take the Redeye.
I'll wait for the next flight.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Joss Whedon Found Mars

I read in an article that Joss Whedon from Buffy fame has watched and ultimately fallen in love with Veronica Mars!!!!!!
Now for all you slackers who decided to wait and see what all the noise was all about, your time is up.
Mars is such a totally perfect show.
But I digress.
Let me give you a bit of history.
You see I was one of those slackers, when Veronica first came on I was busy watching Smallville.
Then I gave up Smallville for Lost.
Now that summer repeats have let me test the waters, I have seen the light and the light is good Caroline. Go towards the light Caroline...a little poltergeist ref for all you wondering.
How will the Fall schedule look I have no idea, but Mars will definitely be on the VCR.
That can be a certainty Mr. Thomas, you have crafted such a gem of a show, it reminds me of those Hardy Boys/Nancy Drew Mysteries.
In fact wouldn't it be cool to have a Hardy Boys show as well.
Like a spin-off with a couple of the guys on the show.
Just a thought Rob, something for the future.
By the way, I thought you were the lead singer of the band Matchbox 20 until I learned the error of my ways, so... let me be the one to help spread the word.
Rob Thomas of Veronica Mars is not the same guy as the band Matchbox 20.
Both Rob's are very talented and I can see where the confusion would start.
Anyway thanks for the time all you bloggers.
Promise to get back with the Sci-fi/Comics world soon.
But hey give me credit I did mention Joss... right!

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Marty rocked the house with...Brittany?

The end of the world is near.
It must be cause that stupid bitch from Big Brother put Kaysar up on the block and will probably knock him off next week.
I will so end that little silly girl's hopes if I had to vote.
She is so slimly and nauseating.
The sooner she gets the boot, the quicker I'll tune back in.
Cause as far as I'm concerned that show is garbage now.
How dare she and her little crew of witches say that "this isn't America's show it's our show" so they decide to knock off Kaysar which was just voted back onto the show by 82 percent of America.
Well I got news for her, America is the one watching and if we decide to tune out...guess what happens then. You dumb little bitch!
Ahhggg I am so pissed, sorry. It just drives me mad to see such disregard for honor and respect.
Everyone is so out of control.
Anyway I digress...
Rock Star INXS is fast becoming my fav show and the reason is a little engine that could...
namely Marty.
He is on the fast track growing by leaps and bounds.
And tonight he did Brit's "Hit Me Baby One More Time" and let me tell you... it was phenomenal.
He did this wacky little thing with his voice that sounded so cool that I wanted to buy the song online (which I hear you can).
Although Mig was fantastic and Ty was fun to watch, Marty man hit that into the stars.
Way to go man. Hope you win.
Or at least lead another band like what about Queen.
They could use a lead singer.
Just don't try to out do Freddie Mercury, cause he will always rule.
Well that should do it for now.
Maybe tomorrow I'll talk about Sci-fi or Superheroes.
You just never know.

Monday, August 15, 2005

Another Day Without Cable...ahhhggg!!!!!

Wow I can't believe how important cable T.V. has become.
I already missed my 4400 and Dead Zone.
Don't worry about Battlestar cause I already got a plan for that.
It's called TIVO and my very sweet close friend has one ready for viewing.
So all I got to do is get over there which is harder than it sounds.
I figured it out though and all I really see on cable are 4 shows.
Battlestar Galactica, 4400, Dead Zone and Firefly.
Everything else can be put on the back burner for now.
I watch other shows but they are regular shows on regular T.V.
So my plan is to spend Friday nights with my close friend, which is great cause it will be my quite time just relaxing and watching cable and getting closer with my friend. ;)
Even when my cable is fixed I will still spend Friday's there cause it's what I've been wanting for awhile now.
So when next we speak I hope to e able to tell you all about BSG and Firefly and the 4400 and Dead Zone.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Skeleton Key with 4 Bros and the Rest of my Weekend

What a crazy weekend it was.
Friday I went to a friends house and had a wild party that lasted until 5:30.
Lots of drinking and goofing around.
Needless to say a fun time was had by all.
On Saturday 5 of my friends went to Hard Rock Casino for my friends birthday.
He always wanted to try this restaurant there called Tatu, which is an Asian restaurant.
After waiting about 2 hours for our table (which the hostess tells me after midnight they switch to sushi only, very snotty like), we finally sit.
The waitress comes by and talks us into this sake after the one we wanted was out.
It seemed like they were out of everything that night as well.
We order our meal and ask for water cause it was a hot night and we were all thirsty.
Well after the waitress forgets we ask the guy who brings the appetizer and he forgets.
We ask the waitress again but no good; then the guy who brings the food and he was a no show also.
We get the waitress again and she says ok, but Yes again she forgets.
Well at this point I'm ready to get the water myself, being as I am dying of thirst.
Well after all that she brings one glass for my friends and none for the rest of us, remember we had 5 altogether.
When we ask her where is our water she says real nasty like "did you ask for water."
Bitch you gotta be kidding me!!!!
Well that was Saturday night.
Sunday I went to see a double feature Four Brothers and Skeleton Key.
4 Bros was a great film and it hit close to home as I cried through most of it.
My mom's not dead but it just touched a nerve.
Skeleton Key was ok with an ending that was kinda predictable.
The real bitch of this weekend was that my cable went out on Saturday and I couldn't see 4400 and Dead Zone!!!
Very bad indeed, but at least I got to see BSG which totally rocked the universe.
A new Cylon, very nice.
And Starbuck with that extra scar which you know is gonna come back and bite her on the ass.
Probably real soon too.
And what's up with the hottie new beau, girl you betta go back and get him off that mountain top before he saves some of those women from the Cylon Pediatric Ward.
Very nasty stuff going on.
And what's with Boomer rescuing the day and acting all pro-human.
Loved the scenes of her and Starbuck going at it, especially that remark about Starbuck being very important to the Cylons cause.
All in all it was a very wild weekend.
I'm broke and exhausted and that's my cue to say " I'm Outta Here!!!"

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

the worst summer movie to date is......

The Dukes of Hazzard!!!!
yeah what do we have a parting gift Johnny?
Well for one thing we have the 2 hours of your life you just wasted and the 32.00 for tickets and concession.
But wait that's not all.
If you act now you can save your friends from wasting their time and money.
Darn you forgot about your family, now Mom's pissed at ya for making her summer end with a fizzle.
Thank God you got good TV shows to calm your nerves.
Great Ceaser's Ghost!!!!!
Sorry I just felt like yelling that out.
Well this blog will be short 'n quick.
Don't waste your time with Dukes, its not mindless fun. It's slow and boring with terrible punch lines and horrible dialog.
I just can't believe they wasted all that talent for nothing.
Whoever that Indian guy is that directed this mess, PLEASE stand behind Joel Schumacher as the worst director to screw up a great idea.
Holy Lame Ass Cameo As The Campus Police Batman!!!!!
Caught ya sweety.
Anyway save your cash and stay home and watch Battlestar Galactica.
Way more fun for half the cost.
For now this is me signing off.
Till next time, Make Mine Marvel
Nuff Said

Sunday, August 07, 2005

DC Crisis is a Crisis for us

Wow I just finished reading the OMAC PROJECT #'s 3 and 4 and Villains United #'s 1, 2 and 3 and let me tell you...Wow what a great start to the Crisis storyline.
My only complaint is they broke off the story in the OMAC PROJECT in between 3 and 4 and made you have to read Superman and Wonder Woman books, which by the way I didn't buy and I wasn't about to go run out and find them.
Now a very important part of the story is missing and I'm screwed without it.
Very bad DC, very naughty!
I went ahead and started reading these stories without getting the whole storyline together to begin with (and you know I hate doing that), so you just know I'm fuming over this little cross promotion shit.
I don't know if I'm gonna get the Superman comics to find out what happened, but if you read the story you know that it's important.
Dam why do they put important story plots in other comic books, I don't think they ever did that before.
In the past, the cross promotion books were just side stories that really didn't interfere with the main story.
Well I already know what happens so I guess I really don't need the details.
But still, it would have been nice to know how and why.
Onto the Villains United storyline.
Man oh man what a crazy infectious story we have here.
I could not put down the book, and I ran to get the other ones.
I read the whole 3 books in record time.
Now I must admit that I have no idea who these characters are, seeing as I don't read DC comics so their villains are new to me, but dam if that story wasn't good.
I can't wait to see what the Secret Six will do next, and most importantly Catman.
What a terrific character and a super man to beat.
I don't know what they plan on doing to this guy in the future, but if DC was smart they would do 2 things.
First change the guys name.
I mean Catman is very lame (especially for this guy from nowhere that's heading to somewhere).
Second promote him as you would any great asset.
And let me tell you, he's got an amazing asset.
Reading these 2 stories just makes me want to read the Marvel storyline "House of M" cause if fracking DC can come out with a truly innovative story like this, what will the House of Ideas do!
The pressure is on Joe, don't let the fanboys down.

Battlestar Galactica is Burning Down the House

Man this show is really turning up the heat!!!!
What with Adama all sickly and Tigh all boosed up and running amok, who knows what will happen.
Well if looks could kill, Adama would be six feet under after Tigh's sweet wholesome wife turned and saw him standing there.
I really thought she was gonna shit her pants. :)
Well at least Tigh didn't get all teary eyed and told him a straight up story without fudging it up.
Can't believe little miss innocent went and found her strength finally and shot a Cylon, too bad it was Boomer Cylon who was just trying to help her man Chief.
And look at Baltar getting all Mad Scientist with the lab coat and everything.
Wow 8 Cylon's on board. Dam that's a lot!!!!!
After all those Ops guys wasted their ammo on Helo and Starbuck, you would figure they would just say to hell with it and pop a cap in Starbuck or Helo.
Who are these guys and how many of them are Cylon...right?
You just know at least a couple are.
But this episode had it all, right down to that cool looking drop of blood falling from Chief's face to that last drop from Boomer Sharon.
Very sweet that he forgave her at the end, just like us stupid humans to have all those emotions.
This whole story arc will last 7 episodes so we still got a few more to go.
Sit back and click on that seat belt, cause baby its gonna get real bumpy real fast!!!!

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Marvel vs. DC

That is and always will be the question.
Although I am reading both companies books, the one company I always seem to enjoy more is...
Well we'll get to that later.
The one word I want to emphasize is "enjoy".
Cause when you take away all the battles and all the foil enhanced and sketch covers; all of it, what you are truly looking for is something you can enjoy.
Is Batman enjoyable? Or Superman?
What about the X-Men? Or the Avengers?
Is all these movies helping or hurting the books?
Would someone who never read a comic in his/her life, finally pick one up after seeing Fantastic Four?
Will Joss Whedon's version of Wonder Woman make me want to read her book?
Well it didn't help any of the other movies so Joss is out of luck. Unless he writes it. :)
There I go, breaking my own rules again.
Well each company has their own rights of passage in this little battle.
DC has an unbelievable knack of reinventing itself only to do some cheesy ploy and bring back some second rate Robin.
Marvel likes to toy with our minds with silly plot devices that "ultimately" turn out awesome.
When Bowen starting creating his little masterpieces, they were from Marvel.
When Topps and UpperDeck and SkyBox put out mind shattering cards, they took the likeness of Marvel characters.
But DC has enjoyed the fruits of their labor much longer with super-men and wonder-women.
DC puts out quality products time and time again that amaze and ponder ones mind.
Alex Ross did a whole series of futuristic books that rocked the comic world based on DC characters.
He did over-sized graphic novels that broke all barriers with all DC guys, and women too!
So when you ask me which company deserves the title of "Best" only one of these two giants wins.... Not saying all the little guys are not good, but that's another story for another day.
No the most likely company to truly deserve the title of best comic company (based on enjoyable all around) is....
for constantly making stories fun and mature at the same time.
What do you think?
Am I right?
Drop me a line and let me know.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

What am I reading this Summer...

Just a quick list of comics I'm reading this summer.
Made a run to my comic shop and this is what I picked up.
the Amazing Spider-Man 522 about the Hydra cool story..I liked it.
Marvel Knights Spider-Man with the Sentry on the cover in shadows. That one I'll be reading next.
Ultimate Spider-Man #'s 79 and 80. The start of a new storyline called Warriors.
the Ultimates 2 issue 7 titled "Wolf in the Fold". Just like the first one, this series kicks major ass.
The Omac Project parts 3 and 4. very cool story. I'm liking it very much.
Prelude to Infinite Crisis which is a whopper of a book. Can't wait to dig into that one.
Villains United Parts 1-2- and 3 of 6. I'll wait til I get the whole set and tear into that story. Looks very promising.
House of M parts 3 and 4. I'm waiting till I get the whole series to read this one too. It's killing me though.
And finally Spider-Man House of M part 2 of 5. Started off with my boy, felt like ending with him.
So are you reading any of these titles. What are you reading?
Drop me a line...let me know.
OK I'm outta here.
I got a certain Spider chasing a certain Sentry to read about.
Nuff said!

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Marvel Masterpieces

There was a set of cards that came out in 1992 called Marvel Masterpieces.
They were printed from original hand painted art by Joe Jusko.
Well I have been going through my closet lately and coming across a whole barrel full of stuff, most of it garbage, but some of it total gems.
Of everything I own, these cards are by far the best looking collectibles I have.
Of all my items that I claim these are the ones I'm most proud of.
Its impossible to explain how well crafted and exquisite these cards were made.
The images are alive and vibrant, bursting with power and control of hand that very few artists can create.
Joe Justo has done his share of fantasy images but this has got to be hands down his best work.
Well done Joe, you did marvel proud.
I wonder if he ever did DC characters?
I'll have to look in on that.
Well if you get a chance to own a set of these babies, don't hold back.
You will totally love yourself for the investment spent.
Enjoy everything you do and never buy anything that you won't want to get stuck with.
That's the best advice anyone can give you when it comes to collecting.
As I say goodbye for another night ,I think back to when I first bought these guys and I wonder if I knew that they would be in a box for years, only to be cherished now rather than back then.
Who can see the future.
Not I.....

Monday, August 01, 2005

What I Like About Dragons

There is something magical about fantasy.
When I was a kid, I remember dreaming I was a mighty wizard and I had this silly stick I would use to cast spells and I just remember having the time of my life.
I recently started going through all my collectibles to start selling off a portion and I ran across some fantasy cards.
They were from Boris Vallejo and Greg Hildebrandt and Frank Frazetta and Ken Kelly and let me tell you What a rush of memories came flooding my way.
I would tell anyone to stop with your busy day and take a moment to go through your old stuff.
Just a moment won't hurt.
Think back to when you were ready to take on the world and nothing would stand in your way.
Well now you have some sort of idea what I feel like now.
These awesome images are so cool.
But the one creature that brings it all together is the Dragon!
For as long as I can remember, people have always been fascinated with these fire breathing animals.
The mystery of this savage beast can date back all the way to the bible times when the unicorn and dragon decided not to take that trip on the Ark.
Since then people have wondered what these creatures were like.
So many artists have dreamed up many different looks and feels for these guys.
And when your imagination is the only thing holding you back, well you can only guess what great creations have been spawned.
And speaking of "Spawn", Todd McFarlane has come up with an amazing collection of dragons that simply blow your mind away.
Stop by your local comic shop and check them out.
The Fire Clan Dragon is my fav.
So next time your cleaning out your closet, take a moment to cherish all the little things that brought joy to your life.
Your thank me for it later.