Thursday, September 29, 2005

Mars Invasion is Lost

Every morning at work I read TV Guide online to see what's new in the TV world.
They always have these surveys asking what your fav show was the night before.
I never really have a problem with casting my vote cause it's pretty cut and dry, but this time was a real test.
Let me explain.
Last night I watched Lost and then Invasion while taping Veronica Mars.
I got a call at 9:49 from a friend and I was so pissed cause I DO NOT like to be bothered when watching my shows.
And my friends know this.
So when Lost went to commercial I played my voicemail message.
In it my friend tells me if I was watching "Veronica's Closet" and to call her back.
I knew she was watching Veronica Mars and giggled at the Closet remark. (That was a show with Kirstie Alley JFYI).
Lost had almost scene for scene what happened last ep but I must admit, as pissed as I was that they were wasting my time, they did provide lots of gasps and OMG's.
Like the shark in the water.
Did anyone else notice that the dam thing had the symbol of the company from the hatch on it.
And what about the room full of food.
If I was Kate, I would grab a couple extra candy bars to.
Not to mention Kim running with his hands tied yelling for bloody murder.
Let me tell you, if one of my friends came running out of nowhere with his hands tied screaming like he just say the Devil, I wouldn't stand there going "what's wrong. I can't understand you. calm down." Or whatever they said.
I would be hauling @$$ right along with him. Probably scream too, even though I wouldn't know what the hell I was screaming about.
Invasion is getting real good too, especially with that "shower" scene. ;)
But it wasn't until I watched the season premiere of Veronica Mars that I knew exactly why my friend called and exactly at what part.
I almost called her when Vern went to kiss her boyfriend and it was DUNCAN!!!!!
This after the fact that when she answered the door, Logan was standing there all bloody and bruised for Weevil's little gang bang.
And any fool can see that he was totally trashed and couldn't kill anyone.
Come on the guy was being beat up by the whole gang, just when did he have time to stab anyone.
And where the hell was the rest of the gang at.
Why did they just leave the one guy there.
Many questions for that little mystery.
BUT.... how'd you like the little scene where Lily's ghost calls Vern over to Weevil just to prevent here from taking a swan dive into the Pacific Ocean along with the rest of the school.
And isn't it weird that the 9-o's got off the bus and into a limo sparing them the nasty taste of seawater in their mouths.
Well anyway when it came time to vote on the TV Guide survey for best show of the night, I had to vote for...
Should I tell you guys tomorrow?
Leave you guessing?
Well lets just say that Mars took the Invasion and didn't lose to Lost!
What can I say, I'm a sucker for a good mystery.
And no-one does mystery then our girl Veronica.
But don't worry all you Lost-ites cause that is one mystery that will have me on my seat all season long.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Surface the Ride new at your local Theme Park

I was reading TV Guide the other day and they were talking about this new show they saw.
The guy was explaining that the show reminded him of when he was at his local Theme Park and the little show that they put on when you're waiting in those ridiculous lines.
You know the ones where they get actors to pretend that the ride you're about to enter is some experimental machine and that somehow some bad guy is running rabid and we are the only hope available to save mankind.
Hence we have to jump into whatever ride we are waiting for and save said world.
(my fav is the Spider-man ride in Islands of Aventure where J Jonah Jameson sends us into the experimental news-mobile to get the latest shots of Doc Ock and his baddies just so he can get the latest scoop)
But I digress...
Anyway these little shows before the ride are what this guy from TV Guide said reminded him of Surface.
And after seeing the second ep of this comedy in the making I must agree.
I half expected Lake Bell to stop, look at the camera and say "OK guys get into the submarine and lets go get those Sea Monsters".
I said it last blog and I'll say it again, they have to make this into a comedy in order for this show to work.
Cause to take it serious, like say Threshold or Invasion, is a farce.
Although the best scene was the ending where the shark hunters are reeling in their catch only to become the catch with one huge bite.
So why don't we all just relax, sit back and enjoy the ride.
Hey are we there yet!!!!!

Sunday, September 25, 2005

Desperate For Housewives and Hulk

How "desperate" was Marcia Cross at trying out for next years Best Actress in a Comedy EMMY for Brie Van De Camp.
Brilliant and Touching all at once.
And please give her son a nomination for supporting actor cause I love every scene he's in.
Zach was so obvious as the son of James Denton but that whole story line is gonna get real old real fast.
I need to see more Nicolette also, she is so cool and sleazy.
Again a perfect performance.
But all in all I felt like this season premiere fell flat somehow.
I can't really put my finger on it but it seems slow and less threatening
Last season was all fire and brimstone while this season is starting all drab and lack-luster.
But that doesn't mean I'm gonna turn my back on the ladies of Wisteria Lane.
Now onto another topic.
I hear that the new Hulk video game THE INCREDIBLE HULK: ULTIMATE DESTRUCTION is one hell of a ride!
I haven't played it yet but just the thought of having Hulk's powers in the palm of my hands sends chills down my spine and makes me wanna talk all Hulkish.
"Puny Human wanna play Hulk game! Bah Hulk Smash Stupid Playstation!"
I always loved talking like Hulk.
He was so cute it always made me laugh.
So get off your collective @$$#$ and find out if this game is worth it.
I can't wait to see the next Hulk movie now.
I wonder if that's why Marvel decided to make this game?
If so it's pretty smart of them.
And Eric Bana really flexed major acting muscle in Troy so I can't wait to see him again.
Until next time...

Saturday, September 24, 2005

FIREFLY,Ghost Whisper, Threshold and the season finale of BSG

What a night I had last night.
I went over to my friends house and we drank and played poker and had a hell of a time.
BUT .... I had to tape all my fav shows and let me tell you it isn't an exact science.
For instance... I missed the very end of Threshold and with BSG they were gonna have this special message that is now lost forever.
But hey who am I kidding I just watched 3 hours of totally on your seat, fire in the hole, tear wrenching drama and excitement like none other.
Let me start off with Firefly.
I stayed home for this that's why I just watched "3" hours of shows and not 4.
I can not wait till next week where we will finally find out what's up with this River chick.
Her real name is Summer but she's the sister of the doc on Serenity and things got real touchy in this ep.
Adam Baldwin's character Jayne pulled a quickie and turned out fugitives over to the Alliance.
Real nasty guys who are a cross between the Men In Black and the Agents from Matrix.
Of course they turn on Jayne and he has to save the day and his @$$ from all concerned.
Well Mal the ever wise captain sees right thru Jayne's little back-stabbing and threatens to shoot him out the air lock.
The only thing that saves him is his honesty so I guess honor amongst thieves really does work.
Anyway we learn a bit more about our mysterious River.
Like I said can't wait till next week.
Onto Ghost Whisper, a show I almost didn't tape and that I almost fast forwarded through.
WELL am I ever thankful for not having a life.
Cause if I did, I wouldn't have the time to spend watching this absolutely Awesome show.
Now here's the set-up.
Chick can talk to ghosts and when she's stupid enough to let the ghosts see her starring at them, they ask for help.
In this ep she marries her paramedic guy and yes he knows what she can do.
He's torn between saving lives and saving his wife from having to deal with all the aftermath.
But as his dead brother said at their wedding "he has a way of making people feel safe, let him know it counts." or something like that.
Anyway this Vietnam Vet "Wentworth Miller from Prison Break" dies and comes back to visit his son just as he's about to have a child of his own.
When there is a major event in the ghosts life they have a way of showing up.
After being told the get out of his house and that she should be ashamed of toying with his emotions, the soldiers son realizes that its real.
Now he has a chance to tell his dad how he feels and dad has a chance to see his son and grandchild.
Very emotional performances that had me crying like a little schoolgirl.
Then Threshold part deux comes on.
This show is very compelling but it needs to slow down a bit.
It's very confusing to keep up with and I fear that it will start to lose a major portion of its audience if it keeps up the intense mystery its pulling off.
Even I was having a hard time keeping up with who is who and what that person does and such.
I mean Lost does something very clever when they flashback to the private lives of the castaways.
This allows the story to flow and the audience to know who these people are.
It also allows us to breathe a bit.
It's funny I never thought about that until I watched this ep of Threshold, and I guess Lost can thank at least one of its rip-offs for that much.
I'll stick around cause I love all this sci-fi stuff and I hope enough people do the same.
It would suck if a great show gets cancelled cause it was too smart.
I was getting into the show too, when just like that the tape switches over to Battlestar Galactica.
I guess The Kid didn't say anything to Our Heroine on Threshold.
Only time will tell.
Hell for that matter best show period.
Seems as though Our Fleet can add another ship to its roster.
The Pegasus survived by blind jumping away from the 12 colonies and is lead by an admiral who out ranks Adama!
Well Frack that.
Adama is all puppy dog and yes sir no sir...
Wake up dammit!!!!!
What if this is some elaborate Cylon plot.
But that #6 all beat up and Baltar all sweet, I almost felt sorry for the Cylons.
Dam how's that for a switcharoo.
And that freak trying to rape Sharon.
As Whitney would say "HELL TO THE NO!!!!"
Dam I would kill the bastard to, if he tried to rape my girl.
They are taking these guys everywhere, showing them everything.
And the dumb bitch has just did the worst thing EVER!!!!!!!
All I know is next season is gonna rock with Adama and that Bitch Admiral battling it out for my boys.
All in all this was just another example of really great production values and a cast that never lets you down and special effects that surprisingly enough you don't even know exist.
Wow and that was just one night's worth of offerings.
Can't wait to see how all the other shows are gonna pan out.
But until then, Kick that bitch's face in Adama.....

Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Supernatural, LOST, Invasion and the Dukes of Hazzard?

A funny thing happened today.
I was channel surfing when I came across an old ep of Dukes of Hazzard.
On this particular ep the cousins Duke were helping out who they refer to as little cousin.
And I'll bet you a silver age comic you won't be able to tell me who little cousin was.
Well I'll be, if you guessed an alien who landed in Hazzard County then I owe you one Silver Age Comic!
It nearly blew my mind that the freaking Dukes of Hazzard had a freaking ep with an alien landing in their quaint little town.
Will wonder never cease.
Now onto Supernatural.
This show got progressively better from the first ep.
It seems to me that I'll have to keep an eye out on this one.
Very creepy with the Windingo thing, a creature who was once a man and who turned into this unstoppable beast when you eat enough human flesh.
Very nasty and very creepy.
That started my night.
So I was very ready to finally find out what was in that freaking hatch.
So I'm sitting in front on my boob tube thinking "Dam I wonder how far into the show we'll have to wait to see what's in the hatch, probably towards the end."
Well not if J.J. has anything to do with it, cause the very first thing you see is some guy preparing himself a snack, exercising, playing a Mama's and Papa's record and BAM!!!!
You see this very guy looking through a maze of mirrors into the opening of the freaking hatch.
Very smooth and very well played.
The rest of this ep was about the hatch and nothing else.
Except a certain doctor to be helping out our doctor years before turning out to be the very guy who is living on the very same island living inside the very same hatch.
The best line I've heard in a loooooong time was uttered tonight when Kate tells Loche as he's lowering her into thehatch..."wait what should I say if I want you to stop..." which Loche replys..." Stop."
Very nicely played out Mr. Abrams.
A friend of mine made a very interesting comment that makes sense if you think about it.
He said that Invasion shouldn't follow Lost cause it's too much tension for such a long period of time.
And I tend to agree, cause I couldn't handle all the pressure.
You see my friend and I just lived through 2 hurricanes and watching a show based out of Florida and hearing real names like Homestead and Everglades National Park and Chrome Avenue well it hits very close; maybe too close.
But we both stuck through and found that Invasion is a terrific show very well played with excellent performances.
And the best part is it's produced by Shaun Cassidy who produced that freaking show years ago about the devil living in a town as the sheriff.
This guy has one wicked sense of horror.
I can't wait to see what happens next.
So I survived the night and now its off to bed.
Too bad I have noone to hold me and tell me it'll be alright.
Dam why do I torture myself.
Well maybe I'm training myself just in case Aliens did land in the wake of Katrina or Rita and It's my duty to find the truth.
Don't worry Mulder I know the truth is still out there.
I haven't forgot.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Maggie and Ivette, Marty and J.D. and a guy named Earl

Tonight was an amazing and unforgettable night of show finales.
First up was Big Brother 6 and My Name IS Earl.
Both were on at the same time as Supernatural so I taped Supernatural and watched Earl for the first half hour then switched to Big Bro for the ending.
Well Earl was hilarious with Carson Daly providing the moral background for the show.
Earl was this guy who basically never did a good deed in his life.
He wins 100,000.00 in a scratch off lottery game and promptly loses the ticket while almost getting killed.
Well when he hears about Karma through a interview with Carson Daly and how when you do good things then good things happen to you, well that was it.
Earl knew what he needed to do...he makes a list with all the people he wronged and off he goes.
And that's the premise of the show.
Then I switch over to Big Brother 6 where I could care less who wins cause my Janelle got the boot last week.
But it's upto the lesbian or my friends choice.
If I had to pick one, then I guess I would have wanted Ivette to win only cause she was the gay one and the gay one never wins.
Sorry I forgot about Richard Hatch from Survivor, too bad the I.R.S. didn't forget.
Anyway it goes down to 3 for Maggie and 3 for Ivette....with Howie being the deciding vote.
And the winner for Big Bro 6 is...drum roll please....Maggie.
Wow like that wasn't a surprise.
This year was so boring that I might not ever watch Big Bro again.
But on to the show that I have spent many an hour invested in...ROCKSTAR: INXS!
Are you ready for a new sensation?
It was upto Marty, Mig and J.D. all fantastic in their own ways.
From the very first ep I liked J.D. only cause he was homeless and I felt he had many stories and alot of angst to spew forth.
But he lost his charm and I turned my attention to Mig, who gave such terrific performances time and again.
But out of nowhere came the little engine who could.
I never even noticed Marty at the beginning but night after night he showed INXS and us how truly talented he is.
After singing for the last time INXS had to vote another off.
Now a friend of mine told me that Mig was a setup from the beginning to win and that the whole show was a tool to showcase him.
He heard it thru the "Grapevine".
So it was to our amazement that INXS tells Mig "sorry you're just not right for our band"!
OMFG I just $#!& my pants!!!!!
It wasn't fixed and now Marty and J.D. are up for the performance of their careers.
Marty is up first and he looks great.
My friend wants Marty to win but I went with J.D. my original choice.
After a very well done act Marty exits andJ.D. takes the stage.
He performs a well known hit with charisma and energy.
Then the moment we all have been waiting for.
My friend's parents called during the commercial break and his dad's going for Marty.
Tensions rise as INXS starts to tell both how great they are.
He tells J.D. how much he likes his energy and tells Marty how great it was to see him grow to be such a phenomenal talent.
He then says the words that made a grown man cry...
J.D. you are right for our band.
And just like that J.D. Fortune is the lead singer of the rock group INXS!!!!
WOW OH WOW!!!!!!!
My friend is very confused cause he thought they would go with Marty.
And get this Marty will probably open for INXS this January when they GO ON TOUR!!!
What a night.
Well Thats it for now.
Tomorrow I'll Watch Supernatural and comment then.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Come up to the Surface

As I watched the news reports on Hurricane Rita it was announced that all shows would play out in their entirety and you should have seen my expression.
Smile from ear to ear with signs of relief and unbelievable joy and happiness.
So as the hour came about I realized that the chick from Boston Legal who got the boot is the lead in Surface.
Lake Bell is her name and it fits perfectly since this show is about strange creatures from the sea.
She plays a scientist exploring the ocean floor for clues of man's origins.
she sets off in a mini-sub visiting all form of creatures 5500 feet down.
When she gets to these mountain sized volcano looking structures she sees a strange light.
this is the part that seems a bit corny as her mini-sub gets tossed around and she freaks after seeing some form of new life.
Sea Monsters from the deep deep ocean floor, 8500 feet deep as it turns out.
The other characters are this guy from Louisiana's gulf coast which seems inappropriate right after Katrina and this kid from North Carolina.
The kid finds an egg from the creatures and brings it home.
Real smart move ... NOT!
Since the thing ate all his fish and then busted the fish tank and ran into his sister's bathroom.
All very amusing.
The fisherman from Louisiana isn't so lucky as his buddy gets caught on this whale sized on by accident (his harpoon goes off and he has it wrapped around his hand.)
Well the town is calling it a accidental drowning by our man knows better.
All along this scientist guy is trying to cover up the whole thing and even gives our girl the boot by shutting down her whole operation.
All in all Surface has a long way to go.
It's very cheesy and corn ball at times, and if they play it that way they might survive.
If they try to be too serious the are going to sink faster than mini-sub did with Lake on board.
So I'll keep watching to see what happens, but I fear I'll be the only one if they don't change soon.
Because to survive these days, you need some sort of gimmick.
And we already have enough serious "Aliens Invading" shows that it would be refreshing to see some light comic fare thrown in.
SO if the powers that be do happen to read this, please heed my words and bring us to the Surface with a light hearted laugh instead of a nose diving "duh"!

Hit me Rita Baby one more time

Enough is enough already.
As I write this Miami is preparing for yet another Hurricane.
University of Miami are gonna have to change their team name for fear of retaliation.
All I know is Surface premiers tonight and if they cancel it for repeated broadcasts of Rita doing this and Rita moving here, I'm gonna totally freak.
It's bad enough that I might lose power, now I have to deal with the weathermen make false accusations about where and when Rita will hit.
They don't have a clue!!!
Why do I have to deal with this.
Mother Nature is a bitch.
Anyway I'll be back later if I have power to tell you how Surface went, if it isn't cancelled due to this storm that is.
AGHH I hate hurricanes!!!
Go away Rita!
We don't want ya!

Sunday, September 18, 2005

And the EMMY goes to...........

How cool was it that William Shatner uttered those famous words once again with that amazing opera chick singing the theme.
And when the memoriam came on and I saw Scotty it all came together.
And I would be crazy not to mention Christopher Reeve.
Truly a super man.
Well thanks to my foolish friend who knows nothing of talent, Donald Trump and the drunk chick from Will and Grace won the Emmy Idol thing.
Dam them all to hell...
I was going for either Captain Kirk or Veronica Mars.
Hey Kristian Bell kicked major ass as the Debbie Gibson version of Fame.
Well Desperate Housewives didn't win but....
LOST GOT BEST DRAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Excellent choice voters because you f_ _ ked it up all night.
And thank God Everyone Loves Raymond is off the fracking air already.
Now maybe someone else can win!!!!!
I like Boston Legal and I'm glaad that both William's Denny Crane and James Spader's Alan won yet again.
Both performances are outstanding.
BUT let's have someone else win next year.
We know they are great characters, MOVE ON!
OK you can tell I'm a bit bitter tonight cause Rita is on the way here and all my premieres are coming on next week and if they fill the airways with every freaking inch this stupid storm is moving, well I'm gonna bust a cap in someone's ass!
Why do we need to know if the storm picked up another 5 miles speed or that in 3 days we might get hit.
I want some escape from the real world.
That's why I watch fantasy shows.
Not to be constantly reminded hour after hour about some storm that possibly might hit here.
Well anyway I'm glad Felicia Huffman won on Desperate Housewives cause she's a trip to watch. Thanks for your time and listening to my rants and raves.
See you tomorrow where I'll tell you exactly where Rita is now and where The Storm where possibly hit in the next 3 seconds and then the next 3 seconds from there.
Ta Ta and Toddle Loo!!!!

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Sci-Fi crosses the Threshold thru Battlestar

What can I say....
Threshold was one of the best shows I've seen and even though it's only the second new show of the "Sci-Fi" new-comers, I truly believe we have seen the best.
My friend who doesn't even like Sci-Fi even said he loved it.
ANd before you start asking, he was watching Big Brother 6 and just hung around to see what it was like.
BTW I was crushed to see Janelle get the boot last night on Big Brother.
I hope that the witch Ivette gets nothing under some technicality.
But I digress....
Just as my friend stated, Threshold started with a jolt and followed with a bang.
Right off the first scene.
Very well done.
All the characters are great and I love how they are so real.
"DATA" was so cool and I loved the quote about Klingons, thanks for the little side note to all us Trekkers.
What about how the Red Team are all into humans issues like lying about having the dream only cause their afraid of either the government or having to face the facts, or if their going to get paid for all their work.
Very human issues thrown into the mix... nicely done.
Its just like the ep of BSG where everyone is feeling down and depressed and coming to realize that they might all die under the Cylon threat.
This ep was very well done especially with Helo and the Chief coming face to face with their feelings about "Boomer" Sharon.
I loved the fact that Adama needed Sharon's help to defeat the Cylon fleet and how she stuck the fiber-optic wire up her arm was so cool.
Once again Boomer comes through, but this time she didn't shoot Adama afterwards.
And what about that cool Blackbird.
Can't wait to see that baby in action.
What a sweet name "Laura" after our dying president.
How are they going to save her.
Will the Cylons say they have a cure for cancer?
That might be enough to trick our president into something real stupid!
Anyway both shows were terrific and I can't wait till next week when......
I FEEL SO Useless.....
why is this happening to me.
can't they keep it on a little bit longer
help me someone ... don't be afraid
no be afraid be very afraid
It's just such a shock that the season is over.
Thank God I have shows like the kickass Threshold to keep me company.
Thanks for spending some time with me and the gang from BSG.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Veronica MARS gets her Man!!!!!!

OMFG I just finished watching the season finale of last season's show.
I am just about speechless at this point.
OK not really cause I actually came back to write this and boy am I ever ready to spill.
Who am I kidding, if you haven't seen this show by now then you might as well read this, cause I'm about to reveal "Who-dun-it"!
And no it wasn't "Dun"can or Logan.
Drum roll please...........................
It was Logan's daddy and he did it cause he was boinking Lily Cane and since she was a fracking minor and he was this big time movie actor, well should I mention Michael Jackson at this point?
Dam and also Veronica and her dad are for real and she's not Cane's kid which means she's not Duncan's sister which means their little sex-ca-pade was not as incestuously as first thought.
Veronica sent her booze-hound of a mother packing and sent her dad a get well card in the shape of the woman he loves, which happens to be her close friends mom.
How awkward is that?
And finally who is that at the door?
Well I guess we'll just have to wait till next week when this un-be-lievable show airs it's season 2!
Ok lets start taking bets now.
Is it Duncan, who just found out that Veronica isn't his sister so he can finally show his true feelings.
Or is it Logan who just faced off our fav little thug on a certain bridge, after drinking himself silly and standing on edge.
Somehow I don't think it's Logan all lovey dovey after Miss Mars just put his father behind bars all battered and bruised.
Seems he'll be a bit bitter even though his father deserved it.
You know the whole Blood is thicker than water thing.
And who's to say it either of them.
It could be the friend or the thug or.......
Either way I am so totally hooked and yes I'll be watching and waiting to see what else Rob Thomas has in store for our little Private Eye.
Thank you for putting out a terrific show with a terrific cast.
Well that's about it.
Just a small side note.
You will be missed Sweet Susie McNeal.
Keep singing know how to Rock.

Supernatural kicks it off

Well the new shows are starting to drip onto the T.V. screen and here's my take on them so far.
Bones starring "Angel" was a bit off.
It just didn't have that certain "UMPH" to make me want to come back.
Who knows if its up against anything decent I'll go that way.
Sorry David no hard feelings.
But that very night the new Sci-Fi show started off all the "Lost" wanna-bees with "Supernatural"
This show's about 2 brothers who go around Hunting down Urban Legends while looking for their father and the thing that killed their mother.
Think Brother's Grimm.
It wants to be this "on the edge of your seat spook fest" but I'll have to see a bit more to convince me of that.
Yeah there were a few scenes that were cutting edge for "Prime-time" but nothing I haven't seen in the theatre house.
But having said that, it beats coughing up 9 bucks to see some hack horror flick.
Tonight I'll be watching my new obsession "Veronica Mars" and hoping that Vern can find the killer of her high school buddy.
So here we go.
Lets see what else is on the plate in the weeks to come.
Now that has me on the edge of my seat.

Sunday, September 11, 2005

9-11 Remembered

Today is the day that changed the way many people looked at the world and the land we live on.
I never really understood how other countries thought of us as a people.
I don't feel like they understand to this day how utterly wrong they were.
We are not a horrible evil empire that are only interested in greed and lust.
Yes that is a part of who we are as a people but it's far from what we are.
And it took a little storm called Katrina to prove it.
Look at how much love and care is going into Louisiana and Mississippi and Alabama.
Friends that I know are wanting to travel to the devastated areas to lend a helping hand.
These are people that I know personally, can you imagine all the countless others who I don't know.
Too many foolish mortals are roaming around saying shit like "the USA are the devil" and "Katrina is God's way of punishing the wicked".
Well New Orleans will survive as well as Mississippi and Alabama and if it takes a year or 20 it will happen!
Don't let ignorance run your life.
Don't profile.
Learn tolerance.
Learn to except defeat and grow from it.
Thank you for your time.
I'll return to normal topics tomorrow.
Good Bye and God Speed

Friday, September 09, 2005

Xena------Cylon Princess?

I Love Lucy and Lucy Loves the Cyclons!!!!!
Oh $#!% they made Lucy Lawless a Fracking CYLON!!!!
Ok that was the best part of this so so ep of BSG but dam if they didn't save the best for last.
Of all the eps I've seen in this truly ground breaking series, this one was the least exciting.
If you just decided to join the fleet, please take another tour.
You won't be sorry.
And Hell wasn't it worth it to see Starbuck and Apollo just about naked with all but a towel wrapped around them.
That has to warrant another look-see.
I have a terrible confession.
I fell asleep during the last part and missed the very end upto the reveal of Lucy's character being a Cylon.
But fear not cause I found out that Sci-Fi repeats the same ep at 1 pm EST so I just watched the ep over again.
Found out all I missed was who was behind the attack on Col. Tigh.
Poor little marine can't sleep at night thinking about all 4 of the civilians he saw die.
Well I suppose I see his dilemma.
But what happened to him?
I missed that part.
Glad I taped it this time around, just in case I fell asleep again.
Ha mama didn't raise no fool.
And I get to watch that scene in the locker room again with Starbuck and Apollo all naked.
Well until I have something important to say...See ya

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Wizard's Double Whamy

Something real weird happened this week.
I received 2 Wizard magazines in a row.
But now that I think of it, the first one took forever to get to me.
Another setback from the storm of the century...Katrina!
I really can't believe that a simple little storm did so much damage.
I mean it wiped out a whole city...A major city at that.
But I have been very busy lately with many things taking up my time (thank God Battlestar Galactica was held over during Labor Day weekend).
So I have been reading both copies of Wizard as well as reading all my comics.
Lots of goodies out there people, hope you guys aren't slacking.
If I had to pick which ones for you, my loyal subjects, to buy then I would say read the Infinite Crisis storyline.
This is really turning into a major masterpiece of cosmic proportions.
And with Alex Ross coming out with Justice, DC comics is really turning up the heat.
well I'm here at work getting ready to go home so I'll have to say goodbye for now...
But alas... I will return.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Happy Birthday Leela

NO not that Leela from that doomed Futuristic toon but a real live Leela, my friend.
Today she turns 29 and as I told her from now on that will continue to be her age. lol :)
Not much to talk about except I read some of the articles in the Wizard and I totally disagree with Alex Ross on some of his movie criticisms.
Like he hated Spider-Man 2!
OMG I did a blog on how that was the best movie.
Or he says Revenge of the Sith was shit because it started our with the word "War!"
Is this man being worked to hard?
He does pull 12 hour work shifts to put together his "Justice" book.
Some of the things he says are good but his taste in movies are far from mine.
Although he did like "Batman Begins" which I did as well.
Well that's it for now.
I'll have more topics in the next couple of days....
Oh and Bye Bye Bye to James on Big Bro.
Here's hoping Janelle pulls it off.
You Go Girl!!!
And once again Happy Birthday Leela.