Thursday, October 27, 2005

No Cable Is Killing My TV Life

Yesterday I missed Veronica Mars and Today I missed Smallville.
I can't take it anymore!!!!!!!
At least I jimmy rigged an antenna to get ABC which has Lost and Invasion and Alias and Night Stalker.
So for now I'm happy.
BUT I better be seeing some progress soon.
You know I'm just dam happy to have power back that I really don't care. LOL
I can always see repeats.
What's really important is I have my health and my Friends are all good.
So forget the cable and forget the missed shows.
BUT what will totally mess up my life is the fact that there is a curfew here in Miami because of Wilma and now there is a fear that the huge Halloween Party will be canceled.
And after I blew around 175.00 on my costume.
They better light some candles and bring out the karaoke machine cause nothing will mess up my Halloween dam it.
Except the law!
Dam you Wilma, Dam you straight to Hell.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Hello Everyone I'm Still Alive!!!!!

Hurricane Wilma came rushing through Miami like ... well a hurricane.
She blew out some of my friends windows and did some water damage but for the most part we survived.
I don't have electricity in my home but I'm hoping it comes on soon enough.
In fact I'm writing this in my work computer because of it.
I really wish I can get power back for tonight's eps of Veronica Mars and Invasion but really really hope it comes on tomorrow for Smallville and Alias and Night Stalker.
Although they'll probably cancel the dam shows to put out the stupid coverage.
I live in this mess I don't need to be constantly reminded of it.
But any ways I'm fine and thankfully I didn't get any damage to my belongings.
A few if my friends and I went out for a ride and I took a few pics but I don't have any power to download the pictures.
So you'll have to take my word for it that it was real bad in many places.
On a brighter note my friend found an awesome costume for Halloween that reminds me of Tom Cruise in Eyes Wide Shut.
Which is funny cause now that I think about it, I don't think he likes Tom, and this was way before the whole Katie incident.
But anyways I'm fine and all my friends are fine and that's what really matters.
Taking cold showers are the real major problem now.
Believe me its no fun.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

MY 100th BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WOW I can't believe on June 2nd I decided to start this blog about the things that interest me.
Which if you read my name is quite self explanatory...Sci-Fi and Super-heroes.
My friend is the one who started me with blogs cause he has like 3 of them and he toldme how fun they are.
So I said what the hell.
ANd now 100 posts later BAM!!!!!!!!! (Sorry Emeril)
So let me tell you alittle bit about myself and where I am in my life from that first blog.
June 5th is my birthday and I started my blog a few days before.
I love collecting things and I have tons of little collections.
Among my most cherished is my Sideshow/Weta Lord of the Rings statues.
Very detailed statues that totally capture the images of the actors like I've never seen before.
That's cause its from Weta the company who does the actual special effects from the movies.
Then I have a Randy Bowen mini bust collection that is only a few busts shy of the first series.
the only ones missing are the Hulk, the Deadpool regular(but I have the cute change-o face) and the chrome edition of the silver surfer(but I do have the regular. Hey I wasn't about to spend 400 bucks for some chrome).
These busts are so cute and so well crafted that they are the most sought after collectible around.
I only have the Morbius the Living Vampire bust from the second series because its a part of the Spiderman series.
And since I mentioned him let me say that my fav character of all time is my boy Spidey.
No other character is better than him in my eyes.
Now for Halloween I'm dressing up as a Jedi Knight only cause I could never fit into a Spidey costume and I would never sully the image of him by trying to pull it off.
My house looks like the guy's house from "40 Year Old Virgin" except it's a whole lot dirtier.
There is no way you can have so much collectibles and have a clean house.
There are many good shows on TV these days but only one show worth watching.
Battlestar Galactica.
It is by far the best show on.
Lost and Smallville are close seconds but for sheer talent and content nothing has beat it yet.
I live alone and that's a great feeling.
Not having to answer to anyone is so free.
But I do get lonely and would like someone to call just to come over and keep me company when the feeling arises.
I have a group of friends that I hang out with and I love all of them in my own way.
Everyone is so different too that if you see us together you would think we were some work group or something.
But everyone has their own special ingredient that they add and I love the diversity that it brings.
I like to dance andlast night was a perfect example of this.
6 of the gang went out last night to this Pub Crawl that turned into a total mess.
You buy this Tshirt and go around getting free drinks from all the different places.
Well we went to 3 of the 12 places and found out that there was a time limit of 7 to 9 and we got screwed out of the rest.
But we did end up in a great club and a couple of us danced the night away.
We also meet up and play board games as well like Cranium or Poker too.
It's all about spending time together and that's what is really special.
Anyway thanks for spending some time with me on my 100th post.
Lets see if we can make it to another 100.
Peace out!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Canceling Shows for Wilma

The following blog may contain some violent content: VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED!!!!!

What the hell do these television stations think they're doing.
First ABC cancels Night Stalker to run some ridiculous hour long "Special" about Hurricane Wilma and totally screws over all the people looking forward to seeing it.
Then last night I went to my friends "Glad to be alive" party (I'll explain in a few minutes, keep reading) and taped both Ghost Whisper and Threshold and guess what; The fracks at CBS decided to run the Fracking Dolphins Football Game instead of my shows and decided to switch it to their sister station UPN.
Well the hell with that.
I want to see my dam shows and I could care less about the fate of the fracking Dolphins.
Here's a secret THEY SUCK!!!!!!
They will never be the same dolphins that ruled the game in the 70's.
Give up!
Now I'm screwed out of 2 shows last night that my cutesy friend thinks is funny and tells me "well you shouldn't be gallivanting around town, you should stay home and this won't happen."
Well excuse me for having a life.
And speaking about having a life what I went to last night was a party for a friend of mine who narrowly escaped a horrible accident.
How she survived is a mystery and in fact her Police Officer friend couldn't get to see her car that was impounded because they thought it was involved in a fatality.
So we decided to have a "Glad to be alive" party.
See I told you I would explain.
And just to prove to you that I'm not making this up, the picture you see is her car.
Pretty scary huh.
And the best part about all this is that we were watching the game at the party and I didn't even realize that it was on CBS.
But I did have a nice time last night and the shows will be repeated so no big deal but enough already with canceling all these shows.
We all lived through Katrina and yes we were hit harder than most people think.
Of course not as hard as the Gulf Coast, but we know when a hurricane is coming to take it serious.
So that concludes this private blog session.
You may now go about your everyday lives.
For me its getting ready for a Coconut Grove Pub Crawl.
See you there and thank God there's nothing on TV tonight.

Friday, October 21, 2005

Lex vs. Brainiac and Clark vs. Aquaman Round 1

Smallville was so totally rockin' that I can't believe I have to wait a week to see what's up!
At least it's not 3 weeks like Lost!
And when the hell is Reunion coming back?
Anyway FINALLY!!!!!!!! Spike comes on board to teach the students of A & M University as Milton Fine.
And what's this?
He's after Lex!
Very interesting; I wonder if it's got anything to do with the fact that Lex has his ride.
And wasn't it so raw how Arthur Curry swam to Lois' rescue.
Loved the end where Clark tells her that she'll find another Hero to fall for.
What I didn't dig was all the puns that were flying around left and right.
Well it can't be that perfect.
We still have the major fight ahead of us.
Hey did you see when Clark was telling Chloe about another guy he ran into that wasn't apart of the Wall of Weird connected to the meteor rocks.
All in all it was a very good start to the Lex is evil as he teases Arthur with a glass of water and is more interested in Government contracts then lives.
Michael is really feeling the role now baby.
This is gonna get real nasty real fast.
And I for one can't wait.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

The Force was Strong in This One

After many choices for a Halloween costume, One stood very strong from the very start.
I could have chosen one of the many characters from Lord of the Rings which I love and would be very proud to imitate.
Or any of the Marvel or DC characters and there were many to choose from.
No right from the start there was only one costume I wanted to be wear....
The Jedi Knight!
And not just any Jedi but the one closely resembling Obi Wan with a bit of Mace Windu thrown in.
So my job now was to find the costume.
I started off looking at the local costume shop.
Of the many me and my friend went to only 1 had the Jedi outfit.
Darth Vader no problem. There were tons of him.
But Jedi Knight...nah!
Now when I did find the costume I took it out and glanced it over.
This costume was the official one from Star Wars and it sucked.
This was the cheesest looking costume I had ever seen.
Well maybe not the cheesist but close!
So they wanted 60 bucks for this thing.
No now my goal was to find all the pieces and make my own!
So I started off with the easiest piece.
The Official Jedi Robe which was alot better looking then the costume.
But not the standard one but the deluxe.
Well worth the extra 20 dollars.
I had these really cool looking pants so that was taken care of so my mission involved the shirt.
What I was looking for was the shirt that had long sleeves no buttons and sometimes you could tie the front together.
Also it usually came in Linen or a light cotton.
My friend called it a buccaneer shirt or pirate shirt but I didn't know the name .
Well I started my search in Macy's but they said it was out of season and would be in stock in a few weeks.
No good cause the Halloween party was just 2 short weeks away.
Then I searched at Marshalls, T J Maxx, Ross, Bloomingdales, Guess, J C Pennys, Norstroms, Express, Saks 5th Avenue and then I just about lost it when I saw it in a ladies store.
But it was cut for a lady and it was 50 bucks.
I almost bought it but someone from Saks said try the store next to them Zara.
So what the heck I went everywhere else, Why not.
Right as I walked in BAM!!! there it was.
A tear almost came to my eye.
After that I bought a belt at Fossil and boots at DSW and My Jedi Costume was complete.
After all that though I checked my wallet and I lost not 1 but 2 credit cards!
What a week it was.

I am including a picture so you can see the finished product.

and yes I am the 40 year old virgin :)

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Take me to your Leader!

OK here goes my survey of all these alien shows so far.
Surface is trying so hard to be this creepy "what's under the sea" show that it's just coming across as cheesy... AND I LOVE IT!!!!!
They need to just stay that way and keep churning the cream and producing lots and lots of cheese.
Invasion seems to be afraid to do much these days.
It's taking a whole show just to make a simple point.
I'm afraid of all the shows so far, this one (one of my fav's going in) might be the first to drop out.
I know Shaun Cassidy can produce freaky things, I mean he did do Eerie, Indiana and Hardy Boys.
Hey wouldn't it be cool to see that Parker guy.
What was his name Parker something...was it Stevenson?
Anyway you want to see something real scary watch a video of Shaun singing Doo Run Run.
Now that was a torture my sister would put me thru everyday of my horrible childhood.
Maybe that's why I love to have Shaun scare me.
And what about Threshold.
When it started my friend and I couldn't wait to see it.
Then it got real confusing for us both and he dropped out.
I decided to stick around cause I'm more of the geek then him.
Well after a few more ep's it's all starting to click and it's now my fav alien show of all.
Last night was a prime example.
Shot in Miami my home town the gang finds out that the alien sound virus is affecting not human but electronics, from cell phones to atm's.
They had to set off an electro-magnetic bomb to wipe out all of Miami just to stop the spread.
And even though the sets were definitely not set in Miami (that pan of the sky line was so 80's it was scary in it of itself) it was still a great ep and I'm looking forward to future eps.
Well my friend is coming over to go Halloween costume shopping...
I'll tell you all about it later...

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Somebody Save Me!!!!

Just finished watching the latest ep of Smallville and I can not believe they once again did not show my Spike!!!!!!!
What is up with this new season by the way.
Even shows that started off with a bang (i.e. Alias and Lost) have slowed down to a crawl.
Shows like Desperate Housewives that were totally "Can't Miss" are OK at best.
And shows I've been waiting all season for (i.e. Night Stalker, Surface, Invasion, Threshold to name a few) have offered only glimpses of hope.
Maybe I'm just over reacting and just need to simmer down a bit.
Let the Powers That Be do their thing.
One thing I'm happy about is that Smallville hasn't dropped that cool ass song from their show.
It really encompasses what I'm feeling and I love to sing it everytime it comes on.
BTW the title of the song is right there on the top of this here blog as it's title.
So just to recap, take a chill pill and let the PTB figure out what they plan to shock us with next.
Got it.
Now I'm off to eBay to see if I can find some clue what to wear for Halloween.
I'm leaning toward Jedi Knight.
But who knows maybe I can find something else to steal me away.
Dam you Palpatine, you and the Dark Side are too strong...

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Somewhere Between Mars and OMAC

I am reading thru some very compelling stories right now while trying to watch some equally compelling television shows.
But I have to ask, where does that leave my poor body and mind.
I am now struggling with a soar throat and a stuffy head.
That can't be a coincidence.
OMAC and Villains United are the 2 story lines I have been reading and I have a ton more to go. Lost, Invasion and Veronica Mars are the few shows I watched today while tomorrow I have 4.
Where does that leave me I ask again?
Maybe I'll have to take another week off Like This Week!
Well now that you mention it, I am taking off the first week of November but I'm flying to Houston to see my sister.
I just thought of something that has me quite freaked out!
How am I gonna tape both shows at the same time?
In fact next Wednesday I'm suppose to go see Rob Thomas of Matchbox 20 fame on Wednesday!
Dam I'm gonna have to miss either Lost or Mars!
This doesn't look good.
I'm gonna have to figure something out.
Dam I wish all these great shows didn't exist or can they put them on separate from each other.
Well I'll figure something out.
For the meantime keep reading comics and watching that great sci-fi out there.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Vacation Have To Get Away!

Happy Columbus Day everyone.
If I wasn't on vacation I would have this day off.
So it seems like I got cheated somehow.
I've been really depressed lately because of the canceled trip but with my real friends standing behind me, I've been having a good time.
I went shopping the other day and out to see a movie "Waiting"; that indie film about what happens behind the scenes in a restaurant.
And just the regular stuff you do when just farting around.
Saw trailers for some great movies coming our way.
Doom, The Fog, Saw II and a few others that will make my days to come very fun-filled and chilly willy.
I just finished reading the Serenity comic books (3 in all) from Dark Horse and they were OK.
I've read other Dark Horse comics and they seem to miss the mark somewhere along the way.
Can't really put my finger on it.
Like they have all the movie properties but just don't know what to do with them.
I've seen them do Aliens, Predator, Terminator, Star Wars and so on but the stories don't "Grab" you like a Marvel story or even DC.
Well it's not all bad they do some good stuff, but Serenity wasn't one of them.
OK I'm off to visit my friend to buy tickets to a wild Halloween Bash we go to each year.
This time we'll invite some of the newbies with us.
They are gonna have a blast as this Halloween thing is loads of fun.
See ya guys around cause I'm outta here....

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Vacation's All I Ever Wanted

Here I sit in front of my computer instead of enjoying the mountains of North Carolina thinking "What Went Wrong!"
We had a perfect plan to drive our friend upto N.C. for the weekend and now my whole vacation is a bust.
Sort of like that waste of a Smallville ep where Spike wasn't even mentioned and all we saw were some whack dudes getting all Serious with Clark.
And isn't it cute that Lex was behind it all.
Just like my "Friend" who just basically screwed me out of a great trip and has the balls to just go "I hope this doesn't mess up the plans."
What do you think it would do when you are relying on a certain amount of drivers and a certain amount of funds to make a road trip from Florida to North Carolina.
How about that ep of Threshold where they are looking for the souped up Asian guy who can put together a mean mother board.
I felt like that guy when he was fried on the train track when I was told that I wouldn't be able to go.
Or what about Invasion where everyone you love is being slowly turned and they look at you like they care but they are really plotting your demise.
I feel like the brother who sees something he shouldn't and BAM! gets knocked for a loop.
When I wake up all these "friends and loved ones" are all around going "Are you ok"
Maybe they should put me in that cryo-chamber and freeze me like on Alias and when all my friends can decide to actually follow thru on the plans we have made months in advance, then I can be woken up.
I'm just gonna call up Mars Investigations and see if Veronica can help me solve that major mystery.
Good luck girl, thats even harder than getting Kevin away from his Clerk station.
Don't bother asking for change cause just like at that store there is none to be found.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Busy Bee I Have Been

So many things to talk about, where do I begin?
Lets start with all my recent party planning.
I'm leaving for a trip on Friday and it's become very clear to me that the television has taken over my life.
You wouldn't believe all the shows I have to tape just so I don't miss anything.
And lucky me, we'll be coming back on Tuesday so that leaves out Lost, Reunion, Smallville, Veronica Mars and who knows what else.
I am losing my mind with all these wonderful shows.
Did you see Surface and how cute little Nimrod is.
Blowing up that dollhouse was just a widdle accident wasn't it boo boo.
I sit here and try to remember all the shows I've sucked down since last time we spoke and it's nearly impossible.
So.... what I will do is say that there are some real terrific things happening in the world of television so if you just take a chance you will find some buried treasures.
And isn't great to find those.
So remember to tune into my blog at whatever moment you have and I'll try to have the latest in comic adventures and sci-fi to thrill and spew over.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

Serenity the Movie is here at last

Joss Whedon said in a interview that if the serenity movie was good enough he would make it into a trilogy...
Well you better make room for 2 more!
What a total relief that my suspicions were sated.
This movie based on the Firefly television series brings hope back that you can make a kick-ass feature film based on a failed concept.
Picture it... Earth is used up and the Powers That Be decide to terriform a whole solar system to inhabit human beings.
Well some humans decide that they don't want to follow the PTB and strike back.
That didn't go over to well and now you have resistance against the Alliance b/k/a PTB.
The film starts off very nicely paced and doesn't stop until the end.
For my friend who was with me, he liked it although he'd never seen an ep of the original series.
That's very good news for Joss.
For me it was a dream come true.
Thank you Joss for being so good at what you do.
And although there is plenty of heartache there is equal amount of surprises.
I can not believe he killed off the Shepherd Book Ron Glass' character.
And he didn't even get good screen-time.
This is my only complaint as the other major death was at least warranted.
Killing off Wash Alan Tudyk's character took major huge balls and I am still reeling from it.
I can't believe he's gone.
What could he possibly have done to Joss to deserve being fired.
But he did float like a leaf and get his wife and crew to their destination.
Way to go Wash!
If I had never watched an ep of this amazing series I would say this movie was worth seeing, but having invested my time and emotions in these guys I can safely say....
and on a side note the ep with the nutjob who tortures Mal and Wash was fan-tas-tic.
Loved every scene!
Keep up the good work Joss, I'll see you for part 2.

Saturday, October 01, 2005

Nightstalker in Smallville under Alias

When I was a child I watched this really freaky show that changed the way I watched TV.
It had this old guy who would go around reporting on bizarre happenings and anything that went bump in the night.
When I watched the premiere of Nightstalker the other day and saw Darrin McGavin as one of the reporters in the newsroom, I knew this would be a true re-telling of a classic.
And Frank Spotnik didn't disappoint.
There were some slow scenes with Stuart Townsend and his group of investigators Perri the competition for lead investigator and the photograher Jain whos a good sidekick.
But the best part was casting Tru Calling's freaky Dad as the editor. Nice touch.
I'll see in the following days where this promising series is going.
But onto Alias where the Bastards That Be decided to kill off Michael Vartan's character right out of the gate.
I heard all the rumors and figured if this was the last season that maybe they'll kill him off somewhere down the line, but DAM the very first ep.
And what was with the lame shooting.
Michael wouldn't just stand there while all these cars come screeching up; looking all amateur.
And he most definitely wouldn't meet with that guy without a gun!
And Sydney wouldn't let some train stop her from at least popping off a couple of caps to save the man she's having a child with!
This all sticks of a major set-up the likes of Bobby Ewing's Dream Sequence from Dallas.
Don't piss away Alias just to focus on Lost J.J.
Not very nice!
But when I watched Smallville the night all came together.
At last, we see some Superman ref's and they are sweet.
The Fortress was so Superman the Movie set pieces.
As was the Phantom Zone square trap thingie.
But Clark saving himself at the last second and just pushing Zod's guys like that was very lame.
Not nice.
But I loved the whole feel of the show.
It's like they know they are in a serious time slot and they are fighting like...well... Superheroes.
And what did you think of Chloe who I feel was the first teenage Nancy Drew wannabe before Veronica. (Sorry Mars but the facts remain she was first and you both have very similar attributes.)
When she told Clark that she knew everything and he told her he was an alien......well I nearly $#!% my pants!
But I love the Lex Luthor character in this series.
He really has alot of meat on his skinny little bones.
And Michael really understands the character and plays him so well.
All in all this series never disappoints and I can't wait to see what else it comes up with...
Speaking of which...
A few points I want to bring up.
I do not like the way they ended Jason's story.
At least find his body or something.
But to just have some silly story in the paper was kinda lame.
Aquaman is coming to Smallville and I can't wait!
BUT I saved the best for last.
No I didn't forget about Spike dripping out of the spaceship like a scene from Terminator 2 to become the coolest looking character in a while...Brainiac!
Can't wait to see how "Normal" Clark Kent will face this guy.
Don't blow it... make the story feasible or alot of Buffy and Smallville fans are gonna be pissed!